7 benefits of Bach flowers

Bach flowers against mood swings
Everyone is led to experience periods of happiness, sadness, excitement or slight depression. But, for some people, mood swings are rife and spread far beyond normal, to episodes of mania and depression. People who have it can quickly go from a state of euphoria to one of intense sadness. Uncontrollable, these mood swings quickly become unlivable and lead to inappropriate behaviors, such as compulsive shopping.
People who suffer from it should contact a psychotherapist, but Bach flowers are a possible natural supplement. They are known to help react less impulsively, regain a sense of reality and reduce feelings of despondency.
Example of treatment : 4 drops of an elixir composed of gorse (despair, pessimism), mustard, white chestnut and chestnut, 4 times a day, either pure or diluted in a little water (or other drink). |