7 attitudes to avoid when you have back pain

In the majority of cases, the causes of back pain are due to bad posture or bad actions on a daily basis. What are the attitudes to avoid if you suffer from low back pain?
1. Sitting with your back arched and bent over
Many people spend a large part of their day in front of a screen. Result : they suffer from back pain because they sit badly.
If your back hurts and you have to stay in a chair in front of a desk for several hours, it is necessary to do not hold your back rounded or bend over but keep straight.
Make sure you adjust the height of your chair in order to be in front of your screen and if necessary, put on a small footrest to improve your posture.
When you sit in an armchair, lean on the armrests or your thighs with both hands and lean your back on the backrest.
2. Cross your legs
Whether it’s out of modesty or because you find this position more comfortable, crossing your legs is very bad when you have back pain.
Not only does this cut off blood circulation but above all, this position can lead to lower back pain since this position twists the spine, which must compensate for the wrong movement.
The only solution: uncross your legs, even if a fortiori you find it more comfortable and elegant than having your legs apart.
3. Bending over to grab an object
If you have dropped an object, you have to tie your laces or take a baby out of his recliner, do not bend over while stretching your legs. It is a very bad reflex that can make your pain worse or even jam a vertebra.
When you have to bend over, be sure to bend both of your legs while performing the movement.
If you have to stay bent a little longer, kneel down so that your spine bends less.
4. Lift too heavy a load
It is a matter of common sense: if you suffer from low back pain, avoid carrying too heavy loads. Do not hesitate to seek the help of a third person and have your groceries delivered.
If you can’t get help, pick up the load without leaning forward but bending your legs. Then try to distribute the weight by holding the load against your hips or stomach, but especially not at arm’s length.
Finally, if you have to carry a little heavy load, don’t forget to breathe…
5. Wear unsuitable footwear
Pumps are not recommended when you suffer from sciatica for example, because their high heels force us to compensate by hollowing out our backs, which makes the pain worse.
As for ballerinas, their absence of heels is also very bad in the event of low back pain, because they do not sufficiently cushion the shock when walking.
When you have back pain, the ideal is to strike a balance with a 3,5cm heel for so-called trotters and that the Queen of England, who is often found in a standing position during ceremonies, used to wear.
6. Stop sport
Some people stop playing sports because their back pain and fear that the pain will get worse: bad idea!
When you suffer from low back pain, it is on the contrary necessary to have physical activity to strengthen the back and support the spine. As the campaign says, “ The right treatment is movement ».
The main thing is to do not strain and then think about stretching.
7. Dress while standing
Even if you are in a hurry, do not dress while standing balanced on one foot. Not only you may increase the pain, but more importantly, you may fall and injure yourself.
Sit down and take your time putting on your socks; your back will thank you!
Perrine Deurot-Bien
Read also: Natural solutions for back pain