7 applications for a harmonious life

Smartphones and tablets have long been part of our lives. The point is small – to make them not only convenient, but also useful. We have selected several free mobile applications for you: for work, for life, leisure and even… for sleep.

Way of life (iOS)

Application for self-motivation and habit formation. It will help not only to schedule regular exercises to reinforce the habit (say, do fitness 2 times a week), but will also record your successes and failures, keep statistics and give you them in the form of visual tables and graphs. One of the obvious advantages of Way of Life is the Russian version and detailed instructions with which everyone can understand the intricacies of keeping records and monitoring their progress.


Evernote (iOS, Android)

An all-in-one tool for storing and organizing everything that is important to remember. You can keep a personal diary using Evernote, writing down your thoughts and impressions (or dictating them), attaching photos and drawings to them. Or you can use it as an organizer, making lists of goals and keeping track of them with reminders. The program automatically synchronizes your notes with the storage in the cloud, so you can access your notes from any device connected to the Internet.


Complete (iOS)

An unusual application with which you can not only solve a variety of life issues, but also do it together with others. The principle of operation is quite simple: you create a task (say, prepare a presentation or collect the necessary documents for applying for a visa), and then invite other users to connect to the solution. For example, with Complete, you can come up with a collective birthday present, find freelancers to do work (in this case, it makes sense to make the task public), or discuss with friends the intricacies of making delicious lasagna. Even if you don’t succeed the first time, you always have a support group.


Sleep Better (iOS, Anroid)

The quality of sleep is affected by many factors: stress, fatigue, physical exertion, drinking alcohol, coffee, eating before bed. The creators of the Sleep Better application took all this into account: before going to bed, you indicate in the program those conditions that could affect your night’s sleep. In the morning, you report again on how well you slept and what you dreamed about. Based on this data, as well as your body movements in a dream, the application can evaluate the quality of sleep, independently set an alarm and give advice. Don’t forget: for the app to work properly, you need to have your smartphone or tablet on the bed next to you all night. True, you need to avoid the temptation to finally check your mail or social networks – this habit also belongs to the “killers” of healthy sleep.


Dream:ON (iOS)

Even routine and boring daily activities are easier to do if you wake up in the morning in a good mood. And the Dream:ON application is taken to provide it to you. It assesses your readiness to wake up (based on your movements and breathing) and includes a background sound – chirping birds, rustling forest or the sound of the surf. The creators of the application are sure that such an atmosphere is much more familiar to our brain than the silence or noise of the city. Apparently, this is how the heritage of our ancestors, who spent the nights in caves and under the branches of trees, manifests itself.


Breathe2Relax (iOS, Android)

When stress or anxiety makes it difficult to think clearly, it is worth remembering a simple but effective remedy – breathing. Breathe2Relax offers exercises designed to bring your breathing back to normal, and with it your heart rate, circulation and general well-being. Before starting the exercise, you determine the level of stress, then the application selects the appropriate program. You just have to close your eyes and focus on your feelings for a few minutes. A pleasant female voice will tell you when to inhale or exhale, and will also encourage you throughout the exercise.


Headspace.com (iOS, Android)

Today, few people doubt that meditation has a positive effect on our well-being, thinking and concentration. But how to force yourself to sit in peace and quiet for at least 15 minutes? Headspace is a good solution for those who are just starting to master this practice. Verbal prompts from a specialist will accompany you in the process of preparing for the exercise. It will not be easy to make a mistake in such a situation – provided that you have at least basic knowledge of the English language.


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