The 5G Internet standard has not yet come into full force, but they have already begun to talk about the next generation of communication – 6G. Will it be a technological breakthrough? What are the dangers? Read in our material a selection of facts about the communication standard of the future

In the field of high technologies, progress is progressing by leaps and bounds, despite all the prejudices of the inhabitants. While people were fighting with might and main against 5G towers, accusing them of destroying health, the world has already begun to talk and test 6G.

Our Country is not yet fully ready for the fifth generation of mobile communications, but this does not prevent us from collecting in the material everything that is known right now about the 6G Internet.

Release date of 6G in the world and in Our Country

If you look at the dates of the introduction of the mobile communication generation, we can draw the following conclusion – now they change on average every 10 years. So, in 2019, the last thing happened: 5G towers appeared in Asia, and 5G smartphones began to be sold for adequate money. In Our Country, everything went a little differently, due to bureaucratic restrictions, the fifth generation of mobile communications will arrive a couple of years late – by 2023-2024.

Thus, it is worth waiting for the appearance of commercial 6G networks in the most technically advanced countries by 2030. Something exact about the release date of 6G in Our Country right now is still difficult. It is necessary at least to wait for the full-fledged appearance of 5G, at least in million-plus cities, and count 10 years.

Forget #5G. Scientists Just Set a New #6G Transmission Record https://t.co/qzDU23ko22

– David Sifuentes (@DavidASifuentes) August 24, 2021

Data transfer speed

Actually, for the sake of this parameter, new generations of communication are being developed. It is already known that in the sixth generation of communication, the speed of wireless data transfer will be from 100 Gb / s to 1 Tb / s – the latter figure exceeds the 4G currently available in Our Country by 10 thousand times. Even if you average the data transfer rate, then with such an Internet, all seasons of the Game of Thrones in 4K quality can be downloaded in less than a minute.

However, for the average user of a smartphone or tablet, the difference will not be so huge – you do not download terabytes of data every hour. But the point here is different. Now they often talk about the use of IoT (Internet of things – English) in “smart” devices. If desired, everything can be connected to the network in the apartment – from light bulbs to an iron mailbox. Let’s imagine that the country has entered a new era of technological progress, and all objects around have become “smart” and require an Internet connection. Add to this colossal load of industrial enterprises, endless online meetings, “regular” smartphone users and thousands of other cases of mobile Internet use – the current generation of networks clearly cannot cope with this. That’s what 6G internet speeds are for.

Popular rumors about 6G

Already, there are enough rumors and conjectures on the network about 6G technology of varying degrees of adequacy. Let’s try to understand them.

6G affects health and spreads COVID-19

As in the case of 5G networks, new generation networks have also come under attack from not always adequate conspiracy theorists. One of the most important myths is the effect on health. Of course, ionizing radiation really affects human health – that is why X-rays or radiation therapy is carried out in special conditions.

Mobile networks use microwave non-ionizing radiation – they simply cannot physically cause DNA damage. With sufficient power, for example, in a microwave oven, microwaves can heat objects, but this will not happen in the case of mobile base stations.

6G will need to build new towers

If everything is simplified, then with each generation of communication, the frequency of microwave radiation increases, and the wavelength decreases. For 3G or 4G, one base station was enough for every 30-50 kilometers. In 6G networks, base stations will have to be installed more often – this is true. It is possible that by the time sixth generation networks appear in Our Country, the installation of base stations will be placed on the shoulders of developers or management companies.

6G will be used for implants in the human body

Given the speed of wireless data transfer, this cannot be ruled out. Arrays of information about the status of the device and the parameters of the body will be sent to a remote server without any delay, where complex calculations can be performed. Instantly processed data will be transferred back to the implant and used for its intended purpose. It can be imagined that a night vision device built right into the human eye will work in this way.

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