6 Weider for a flat stomach – exercises, training plan, effects, contraindications

A flat and visibly muscular stomach is a dream for many people. As doing the classic “crunches” does not give quick results, some decide to implement the 6th Weider – a training program that promises to develop a “radiator”. Is it really worth training A6W? We check.

Weider’s Six is ​​an intensive training, thanks to which you can get the effect of a flat and well-muscled abdomen. It guarantees quick muscle strengthening – only 42 days are enough to achieve satisfactory results.

Aerobic 6 Weider – assumptions

Aerobic 6 Weider is a training plan that involves performing specific exercises. The number of repetitions and series is strictly defined, so it is essential to stick to the established program. In addition, you must remember not to interrupt your training plan for more than a day or give up any exercise.

Only by sticking to the established assumptions will you be able to achieve satisfactory results.

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6 Weider – exercises

As for 6 Weider, the exercises are only seemingly simple. It is very important to perform them technically correctly, i.e .:

  1. do not take breaks to relax your muscles
  2. stop the movement for 3 seconds when the muscles are most tense.

Below we present some 6 Weider exercises:

  1. lie on your back, hands alongside your body; lift the left leg and right leg alternately – bent at the knee at an angle of 90 degrees; lifting the shoulders off the ground, tense your muscles and stay in this position for about 3 seconds;
  2. lie on your back and place your hands in front of you; lift the shoulders off the ground and lift your legs at the same time; hold this position for 3 seconds.

While the exercises can be performed at any pace, the total exercise time should not exceed 40 minutes.

Exercises as part of the aerobic 6 Weider should be carried out in accordance with a set plan – you can not introduce any modifications, increase / decrease the number of repetitions, etc.

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6 Weider – training plan

As for 6 Weider, the training plan is available in two variants.


The 6 Weider schedule includes 6 training weeks (42 days) – exercises should be performed every day. This is a proposal for people who have time for daily training and want to achieve satisfactory results in a slightly shorter time.


Weider Six in this variant is a training plan lasting 7 weeks (49 days). It takes into account one day free from exercise – it is worth setting it for the day of the week when the training will be impossible or difficult.

It is worth emphasizing that – regardless of the chosen variant – the exercises are identical.

Find out more: Exercises for the lower abdomen – examples of exercises, effects

6 Weidera – effects

The effects of 6 Weider are surprising – after 6 or 7 weeks of intense exercise, you can notice significant changes. The abdominal muscles become visible – the so-called radiator. However, beware! The results only appear in people who do not have excess body fat. So these are not exercises that help you get a flat stomach – you will not get rid of the “tire”. So if you want to maximize the potential of 6 Weider, start with aerobic exercise to reduce body fat.

In addition, the effects after training 6 Weider may not be also because the specificity of the exercises make it impossible. Exercises in 6 Weider are very similar to each other and focus only on the straight muscles of the abdomen, completely ignoring other muscles, such as oblique abdominals.

In addition, it should be noted that the exercises in 6 Weider training mostly consist in lifting the legs and lifting the shoulder blades off the ground. In this way, we put a lot of strain on our spine, especially when our muscles are not yet sufficiently trained, and we are just starting our path in building a figure. All this means that the effects of the training itself decrease.

Of course, if we haven’t practiced anything before, 6 Weider training is a good developmental stimulus for our abdominal muscles, and thus the exercises themselves can bring us results. Anyway, the intensity of the exercises we perform is also important from what effects we get. However, it should not be forgotten that the time of sensitivity to new training stimuli is relatively short, because the muscles react to this training plan usually up to the first 3 weeks and this is when more defined and stronger muscles can be observed.

To sum up, doing the same exercises over and over again according to this pattern will quickly lead us to the point where we will see that further exercises in this way do not make any sense. Our body will get used to the effort over time and will not want to develop further, i.e. grow. Various training methods that stimulate our muscles to grow and burn fat can give us much better results.

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6 Weider – side effects

It should be said that despite the advantages of aerobic 6 Weider (e.g. easy to remember training regimen, or an alternative to standard crunches), unfortunately this training also brings some side effects, among which several ailments can be mentioned.

  1. Risk of developing an abdominal hernia, i.e. a bulge in the abdomen, often resembling a lump. A hernia occurs due to over-activation of the abdominal muscles. The main symptom of a hernia is severe and sharp pain in the lower abdomen.
  2. Muscle strainwhich results from too high intensity combined with the lack of sufficient time to rest and daily exercise of the same muscle group. If we add to this, the lack of a proper diet, it could all be the reason that instead of building muscle, we will reduce it.
  3. Spine pain, they result from the specificity of performed exercises consisting in lifting the legs and torso at the same time. Such movements weakly stabilize the spine, and at the same time put a lot of stress on the lumbar region. Sometimes the trainees also suffer from pain in the cervical spine, which is not surprising when performing a huge number of repetitions. It should be borne in mind that back pain will also translate into weaker training effects or prevent them completely.
  4. Long training time, which is basically the main disadvantage of the aerobic 6 Weider. At the end of the week, training in one day takes about 40 minutes and it would not be a bad thing if it were not for the fact that during this time you could do a whole body workout and get much better results.

To sum up, the aerobic 6 Weider is a training that in the case of beginners without fat in the abdominal area, may bring some visible results in the first weeks of exercise. Unfortunately, this is not a training system for everyone.

A lot of people exercising according to the 6 Weider plan complain of quite sharp back pains as well as muscle overload. Although thanks to this training you can lose a few centimeters and strengthen the abdominal muscles to some extent, you can achieve the same, and even more in a more pleasant and effective way.

6 Weider – contraindications

As for the contraindications in the case of the aerobic 6 Weider, this training should not be approached by people struggling with problems of the cervical and lumbar spine. 6 Weider training is also strongly discouraged during pregnancy. Also, this training may not be good for people who are impatient due to a monotonous set of exercises.

At the same time, it is not a training system recommended for people who have problems with accuracy as to the exercises they perform. It should be borne in mind that wrong or inaccurate exercise may not only distract us from the desired goal, but also risk our life and health.

6 Weider – popular bugs

Excessive tugging on the back of the neck

When performing exercises in 6 Weider, but not only, because when performing classic sit-ups, people often tug the head with their hands instead of lifting it. Pay attention to this and keep your eyes raised by tearing off your shoulder blades and lightly supporting your head while exercising.

The back does not stick to the ground

For the exercises to be performed correctly, no matter what the surface is, the person’s lumbar region must touch this ground. Lifting your back from the ground may be due to poor technique, you should work on it then. It should be remembered that when the back is detached from the ground, our abdominal muscles stop exercising and the spine starts working. In such a situation, the exerciser not only will not see the results of his work, but will also contract serious spine injuries, which will not only prevent him from exercising, but also make his daily life difficult.

Starting without inexperience

I must admit that the aerobic 6 Weider is not a training that literally everyone can start with. People untrained in any way, sooner or later, despite their initial successes, will find themselves at a point from which they will not be able to move on. If this is the case, it is worth trying other trainings that will gradually allow us to strengthen the body and only when we are ready, return to the aerobic 6 Weider.

Performing exercises carelessly

6 Weider’s training is very simple and involves doing the same simple exercises every day. Only the number of repetitions changes. What you need to pay attention to when performing each exercise is careful technique and stopping for 3 seconds at the right moment. It may be a good idea for a beginner to use a stopwatch to measure the time. Having a phone, you can also use an application that will read how much time we have left.

Too quick to see the results

Aerobic 6 Weider is a training system that requires a lot of time. Due to the adopted training assumptions, it is impossible to see the effects of exercise just overnight. In most cases, after about two weeks, the only effects that you will see, or rather feel, will be hardening of the abdominal muscles, but you will have to wait for the “radiator”.

Breaks during the execution of the training plan

The program will not carry over if it is interrupted. If someone has problems with maintaining a constant training regime, maybe it would be a good idea to use the 6 Weider aerobic training variant with one constant day a week for muscle regeneration. Even in this version, however, you cannot take any extra days off from exercise.

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