6 Weider a great hit or crap? Slimming and flat belly
6 Weider a great hit or crap? Slimming and flat belly6 Weider a great hit or crap? Slimming and flat belly

6 Weider has become an extremely often mentioned and recommended set of exercises on the Internet. Does 6 Weider really allow you to build abdominal muscles quickly, and at the same time help you lose weight? Today we will look at this set of exercises.

6 Weider: basic information

A set of exercises called “Weider’s 6” consists of basic exercises that can be successfully performed separately by conducting a simple warm-up. All of the exercises are based primarily on strengthening the abdominal muscles, thanks to which the silhouette and shape of the abdomen are properly emphasized.

6 Weider: weight loss and diet

Performing 6 Weider alone may not bring the intended results. Abdominal muscles, after doing all the training, can actually get stronger. However, if you do not take care of your diet and slimming exercises at the same time, unfortunately the effects of Weider 6 training will be invisible: the muscles will still be hidden under adipose tissue and will not be well outlined on the skin.

A6W is a set of exercises that in itself helps to burn fat, and at the same time is not only dedicated to slimming down.

6 Weider: advantages of use

  • Professional abdominal muscle training literally for everyone;
  • People of all ages can join A6W; athletic and those who avoid sports;
  • Quick effects in a relatively short time;
  • It can be done anywhere, no additional tools are needed, it is easy to perform.

6 Weidera: wady

  • Difficulty doing exercises on subsequent days;
  • Doing exercises every day, no breaks, no muscle recovery;
  • Time consumption of a single workout from about half of the entire workout;
  • Difficulty staying motivated throughout the workout;
  • The monotony of the exercises performed.

How to practice 6 Weider?

The entire training that makes up the A6W lasts 42 days. Each day, according to the schedule, exercise series planned for that day are performed by performing x repetitions of a given exercise. The level of difficulty of the exercises increases with the time commitment in training: each day we have to do more repetitions or more sets. Muscles develop throughout the duration of the workout. Each series consists of six very simple exercises that engage primarily the abdominal muscles, but also the arms and legs. All you need to do the exercises is a piece of flat surface – the floor.

You can take short breaks between sets, and it is even advisable. Between each series you should wait about 30-60 seconds and then do the next one.

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