6 ways to dilute whiskey with other drinks

Expensive single malt whiskey is best drunk neat, enjoying the aftertaste and aroma. You can dilute cheap blended varieties of short exposure, which do not have unique organoleptic properties.

1. Water. Method to reduce the strength, minimally affecting the taste. Drinking whiskey with water was invented by the Scots. In most pubs in the country, scotch (Scotch whiskey) is brought along with a jug or glass of plain water. It is believed that dilution with still spring water (preferably from the same source that was used to make whiskey) better reveals the aroma and softens the taste of strong scotch.

6 ways to dilute whiskey with other drinks
Water makes the whiskey not so rich.

The proportions are different, from a few drops to 50 to 50. Sometimes women dilute even more. An alternative is to add a few ice cubes, then wait for them to melt.

2. Juices. Moderately strong drinks with an interesting fruity flavor are obtained. A good option for a party or disco. You can dilute whiskey with any cold juice. The most popular are apple, cherry, lemon, orange, grape and pineapple.

6 ways to dilute whiskey with other drinks
Lemon juice adds sourness

One part of whiskey is added from one to five parts of juice. After several experiments with the composition and proportions, you will find the optimal combination.

3. Cola, soda, other sodas. American method, thanks to which you can completely drown out the taste of alcohol. It is used when you need to mask the bitterness of cheap varieties, make a sweet low-alcohol cocktail or just get drunk. Upon contact with carbon dioxide, alcohol is instantly absorbed into the bloodstream, causing rapid intoxication and a severe hangover in the morning.

6 ways to dilute whiskey with other drinks
whiskey with cola

Despite this shortcoming, there are more and more supporters of diluting whiskey with soda every year. In the classic version, cola is mixed with whiskey in equal parts, soda and sprite – in a 1: 2 ratio (one part soda to two parts whiskey).

Whiskey with cola – recipe and cocktail proportions

4. Vermouth. Suitable red and white types of vermouth, such as martini bianco or rosso. It turns out soft drinks with a bitter-sweet taste, but strong – about 30%. The most famous representative of this group is the Manhattan cocktail, in which two parts of bourbon (American whiskey) are one part of red vermouth.

6 ways to dilute whiskey with other drinks
Vermouth softens the taste of whiskey

5. Coffee and tea. Suitable for diluting whiskey in the cold season, as they contribute to rapid warming. You can add 2-3 tablespoons of whiskey to a cup or mix drinks in other proportions (the non-alcoholic component should be 2-3 times more). In the case of coffee, I advise you not to get carried away, along with alcohol, it creates a load on the heart.

6 ways to dilute whiskey with other drinks
Warms and invigorates

There is also an Irish Whiskey cocktail, in which cream is also added.

6 ways to dilute whiskey with other drinks
Cocktail Irish whiskey

6. Milk. A controversial combination that causes delight in some and vomiting in others. It is better to prepare whiskey with milk in the form of cocktails, adding other ingredients, such as honey, cinnamon, nutmeg. At least once you can drink a glass or two.

6 ways to dilute whiskey with other drinks
For lovers of the unusual

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