When we are in love, we are overwhelmed with emotions. We want to tell the whole world about our feelings, but first of all, to share them with “the same” person. How to do it?
Emotions are not subject to logic, irrational. When they capture us, it becomes embarrassing, we are embarrassed, and this is normal. The vulnerable, sensual part of the personality comes to the fore. We are afraid to show feelings, because we cannot predict, predict the response. But you can let them be heard without thinking about the result.
You can take the first small step, which may be followed by something more, or not. But there will be no regret that they did not dare to show what is inside. There will be a clarity that lovers lack, who are sometimes prone to love fantasies and worry for no reason. You can start with non-verbal ways of communication and, if you see mutual interest, gradually move to confessions in writing and orally.
1. Show that he is special
Show the object of your feelings that you care about them. Make it stand out from others. For this, sometimes non-verbal signs of attention are enough — a look, a smile, a warm greeting. When words are not needed, when eyes, gestures, facial expressions express the whole range of feelings, it is impossible to act, there is always a lot of sincerity and warmth in this. A person in love seems to glow from the inside, and with one glance he can convey this state.
2. Support and care
If you’re already in a relationship but haven’t yet expressed your feelings, take the initiative and offer help where needed. Show that you want to be around, support in word and deed, or just stay close. After all, the manifestation of care is a significant sign of a special relationship.
3. Listen
Show that you are involved in the conversation, ready to listen to the person you like. Demonstrate a sincere, open interest in his life, feelings, thoughts. This will emphasize the importance of the other in your eyes and make you closer. Empathy will help you safely declare your sympathy, and so that your attitude is not perceived as an offer of friendship, use non-verbal ways to show emotions — a look, a smile, a gesture.
4. Pay attention to details
Make compliments, note what a beautiful jacket your loved one has put on today, what a pleasant perfume he has. Get creative. Firstly, many people love compliments and this is at least pleasant. Secondly, they will make your communication more personal, informal. So you show special interest, but thinner, more delicate. Pay attention to what is not on the surface, emphasize the uniqueness of the one you like.
5. Share your feelings in a letter or conversation
This is perhaps the most daring, open way to express your feelings if you can’t admit them out loud. In a letter, you can reveal the most intimate, vulnerable things that you would never be able to say by looking into your eyes. This is a romantic way that will allow the recipient to be alone with your words, to realize and reflect.
And if you decide to confess face-to-face in a conversation, in addition to words, you can convey feelings with your eyes and voice, which will make the confession deeper and more penetrating.
6. Touch
Tactile, sensual contact will make your communication close, personal, tender. Unobtrusive touches during a conversation, hugs at a meeting, an invitation to dance at a party will switch your potential partner “from head to heart”, provoke the production of oxytocin, which creates a more trusting interaction.
In conclusion, I would like to quote Sue Johnson, a psychologist and one of the founders of Emotionally Focused Therapy: “Love can start in a hundred different ways: from the first glance or from a thousandth glance, from a whisper or from a smile, from a compliment or even from rudeness.
It can continue with caresses and kisses, or maybe quarrels and scandals. And end with silence, sadness and disappointment, rage and tears, and sometimes joy and laughter. It can last for several hours or days, or it can light up a whole life until the very last breath.
That is why it is worth trying and showing your feelings to another.