6 Signs You’ve Met Your Soulmate

World literature and cinema teach us that somewhere in the world there is our “half” and we are made for each other. But how to understand that it is he or she? What to focus on?

  1. You are not afraid to be vulnerable. You no longer need to hide, put on a mask, climb into the shell: a soul mate accepts you whole, with all the advantages and disadvantages. So, you are not afraid to share something secret, talk about fears and doubts, admit mistakes. You know that you will not be judged for what you say or how you do it (emotionally, expressively, overdramatically), and you are sure that the exact words you need will sound in response. This mutual openness becomes a solid foundation for relationships.
  2. There is chemistry between you on a physical level. You are unbearably attracted to each other, you feel good together, any interactions (talking, touching, hugging, sex) are a pleasure.
  3. You feel calm. The thing is that the «soul mate» gives a sense of security. You know that you will not be rejected, will not turn away from you, no matter what you do, and therefore you finally find inner peace. You and your partner are a team, which means you will cope with all adversity shoulder to shoulder, overcome any disagreements and differences of opinion.
  4. You are good at resolving conflicts. And they inevitably happen even between the closest people simply because we are different, we have different goals and desires. But you do not stoop to shouting and mutual accusations, you listen carefully to each other, because it really matters to you what your loved one thinks.
  5. You just feel that this is the same person. “When you meet, you will understand” — this is the case. You are simply drawn to him or her, and next to this person everything falls into place.
  6. You communicate without words. You start a sentence, your partner finishes (or vice versa), you pick up the phone exactly when he or she calls … It would seem that they are just coincidences, but no: clinical psychologist Carmen Harra believes that these situations are a sign that next to you the same person.

You match on emotional, physical and spiritual levels. This does not mean that you do not have to work on relationships: whatever the connection between you, it needs to be strengthened, writes Carmen Harra. You just know that you should (and want) to be together, no matter what happens. Obstacles and blows of fate will not crush your intimacy.

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