If that very magical flash happened between you, which at first is difficult to describe in words, the signs that he unconsciously gives will tell a lot. What should you pay attention to in your partner’s behavior?
Sometimes we find ourselves hostages of our own ideas about how a person who cares about us should behave. We are so worried why he does not say the long-awaited words that important signs elude us, in which feelings are already unambiguously expressed.
“Your question is why is he still hesitating to confess? “There can be many answers,” says psychologist Bill Caseley. It’s hard for him to talk about his feelings. He is afraid that he will not meet a counter movement towards you from your side. If you work or study together, he may not want to create an awkward situation. However, if he likes you, even the most private person is ready to tell a lot without words. Just take a good look at it.”
He keeps you in sight
Imagine that you are watching a movie that has captured you – at this moment, not only your eyes, but also the entire body of the body involuntarily turn towards the screen. The same happens with a passionate man.
He is completely absorbed in you, trying to make eye contact and not deviate from you, thus making it clear that nothing else is able to attract his attention right now.
He leans towards you while talking
If he likes you, he will not only turn to you, but will also lean slightly in your direction when talking. Sometimes he asks you to repeat what was said, even if he hears perfectly. And this is not a trick – he does it unconsciously to get closer to you.
He smiles at you often
Yes, a smile often turns out to be just a manifestation of friendliness, nothing more. However, in this case, as a rule, it is fleeting. The smile of a person who is genuinely happy to see you is hard to fake and hold for more than five seconds.
He copies your gestures
We unconsciously copy the gestures of those we like. “Observe and you will most likely notice that he leans slightly to the right or left after you, crosses his arms or turns his palm in much the same way as you do,” says Bill Caisley. – This is clearly manifested in the way both lovers, without saying a word, go into a whisper.
Change the color of your speech – start talking a little slower or a little quieter, most likely, you will notice that he will involuntarily change intonation.
He listens to you carefully and remembers the details of your story.
When we like someone, we want to know as much as possible about this person. Even insignificant things seem interesting and memorable to us. If you told him about your childhood and student years, he will most likely remember the smallest details. Probably, he will talk about himself more willingly.
He is not distracted by the phone
Let’s be honest, we’re tied to our phones, and if we get another message, our first impulse is to look at the screen. If in your presence he puts away his phone and completely refuses the best friend of our days, it means a lot. He is only with you, here and now, absorbed in communication.
“Non-verbal signals are an important stage that cannot be skipped”
Lev Khegai, Jungian analyst
Nowadays, most people know that the content of the interlocutor’s words is only a small part of communication, according to some estimates, only 7%. After the phrase of the Canadian philosopher Marshall McLuhan: “The environment is the message” – we began to pay attention to the environment of communication, the entire context of communication, where every detail and the chosen moment of time affect the transmitted meaning.
Much more is transmitted by intonations, gestures and non-verbal signals. Why, despite this, is it so important for a woman to hear a confession from a man? The phrase “a woman loves with her ears” is really relevant.
Women have more speech neurons in their brains, so verbal communication in general is more important to her. According to evolutionary biologists, this feature became necessary in order to better interact with a small child, stimulating the development of his brain with constant communication.
At the same time, in love relationships, the role of words is associated with another mechanism that is more related to the cultural complex. For more than 2000 years of patriarchy, the main fear of women due to their powerless and dependent position was the fear of abandonment.
Therefore, a declaration of love and the real steps of a man (invitation to a date, engagement, matchmaking) served as a guarantee that a person has serious intentions, and is not trying to deceive or sexually use.
Relationships are an evolving process, where non-verbal cues are just the first, necessary step. The couple will have to win each other’s trust, learn to understand the other, be on the same wavelength, and only then can a deep heart-to-heart conversation take place.
About expert
Lev Hegai – Jungian analyst, co-founder of the Moscow Association of Analytical Psychology (MAAP), senior lecturer at MIP.