6 signs of a wise woman

Mind and wisdom are different concepts, although they are not mutually exclusive. Who are you more likely to turn to for help in a difficult situation: to the owner of many diplomas or to a person who knows life and can help find a way out? This is the main difference between wisdom and the mind: to be wise, you do not need to know much – you need to understand the nature of man. What else distinguishes a wise woman?

1. She listens to herself and her desires.

A wise woman always knows what she wants. She has formed her own scale of values, set priorities and acts in accordance with them. She will not reproach or shame herself for desires, because she understands that behind each of them there is a very specific need. Such a woman will not be annoyed and make claims to others, because she knows that no one is obliged to indulge her, but she will be grateful to those who help her dreams come true.

2. She knows how to accept the shortcomings of others

One of the main signs of wisdom is not trying to change others. Wise people respect someone else’s personal space and do not encroach on it, including trying to change something. Moreover, they will not impose their opinion or change a person against his will.

At the heart of such behavior is the understanding that everyone has both advantages and disadvantages, and the ability to accept others. It applies to everyone without exception: spouse and children, friends and relatives, colleagues and neighbors.

3. She seeks to resolve conflicts, not create them.

Her family conflicts do not leave the walls of the house, and at work, such a woman would prefer to discuss a difficult situation with a colleague face to face, and not make it public. Before doing anything, she will carefully consider the consequences and choose the option that is the least traumatic for others.

A wise woman does not put up with injustice for the sake of her own peace of mind, but also does not enter into confrontation without unnecessary necessity, always trying to find a constructive solution.

4. She knows how to give and receive

A wise woman does not skimp on praise and help, she is happy to share her experience and knowledge, but she never claims “dividends”. Generosity comes naturally to her, as does the realization of her worth. She willingly accepts gratitude, but does not expect it. Highly appreciates himself, knows how to adequately respond to compliments and gifts.

She knows what she is striving for, but at the same time she soberly assesses what she has, and is grateful for it. “Always not enough” is not about her. Such a woman equally strives to receive and give. She appreciates comfort and does not refuse to improve the quality of life, but she will not overstep her principles for the sake of money.

5. She knows how to create a balance between career and personal life

She realizes that full-fledged realization is not a rejection of work or family, but their harmonious combination. She will not sacrifice herself to a career or a home, but will correctly distribute her forces and achieve success in both fields. In her family, everyone is given enough attention, and her professional activities are carefully planned, which allows her to rationally spend her own energy.

Fanaticism is as alien to a wise woman as neglect of duties. It is difficult for her to fully devote herself to any one activity, but she will not do something half-heartedly.

6. She always looks good

Regardless of external data, a wise woman knows how to present herself in a favorable light and emphasize dignity. At the same time, she does not idealize her own appearance, she knows her strengths and weaknesses and knows how to use it. Such a woman understands how important it is to take care of herself, and always finds an opportunity to take time for herself. At the same time, she does not try with all her might to maintain her attractiveness by abusing cosmetic procedures, but with dignity she accepts all the “signs of the times” and therefore looks excellent even in old age.

The main secret of her charm is not her impeccable appearance, but her unique charm, inner strength and tenderness. This is what allows her, regardless of age and appearance, to attract others.

About the Developer

Ksenia Ulyanova — psychologist, coach, author of trainings on time management, balance and motivation. Read more on her Online.

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