6 signs of a Napoleon complex and how to deal with such people

Hello dear blog readers! The Napoleon complex is, in fact, the usual inferiority complex that occurs against the background of short stature. Previously, psychologists had the opinion that the «Napoleonics» were too aggressive and were striving to conquer the world. The reason for this opinion was the examples of despotic rulers such as Hitler (165 cm), Stalin (162 cm), Lenin (164 cm) and others. But over time it turned out that this is a myth, but the concept of «Napoleon’s syndrome» remained. Today I will tell you how to recognize it and what to do to alleviate the condition.

History and causes

This complex was discovered by Alfred Adler, the famous psychologist. He found out that all people experience it, because in childhood they felt the superiority of adults and their inferiority against their background. It is from these feelings that every healthy child strives to be like one of the parents, to do something better than him, and in general, has a desire to grow up and reach heights as soon as possible.

6 signs of a Napoleon complex and how to deal with such people

This message perfectly motivates children to develop, especially if adults support their aspirations, not devaluing or competing, but giving space for self-expression. Then even a small stature will not in adulthood cause a feeling that they have been underestimated. But Napoleon’s syndrome manifests itself when the environment is not entirely healthy, that is, parents for some reason did not provide safe conditions for growing up. For example, overprotecting him.

The baby does not have the opportunity to prove himself, gain experience by trial and error, adults do everything for him, “powerful figures” with power. Therefore, against their background, the child has no choice but to get an inferiority complex. He may try to rebel over time, breaking out of control, and trying to prove to the world that he is and is capable of much on an equal basis with others. Or it closes in itself, feeling helpless and depressed, obeying other, more knowledgeable and «big» people.

And it also occurs with hypoprotection, that is, the lack of attention, love and care from parents. And then the child takes responsibility for this “dislike”, believing that he simply does not deserve it, because he is not so “good”, “healthy”, “beautiful” and so on.

And although the name of this syndrome is masculine, it can also occur in women who are more masculine. That is, the qualities and traits inherent in the strong half of humanity. For example, when a woman occupies a leadership position, she simply needs to be restrained, show an iron will and be able to withstand competition and aggressiveness. And if she is small, cute and fragile, then at first others may not take her seriously, which is why the syndrome will actively manifest itself.

Signs and methods of struggle


6 signs of a Napoleon complex and how to deal with such people

A person strives to prove to everyone that, despite his growth and fragility, he is capable of achieving. And, in order not to go to extremes, becoming despotic, think about what advantages you have, what else can you show the world? For example, Louis de Funes won recognition thanks to his charisma and humor, although his height is 164 cm. harming yourself and not destroying relationships with others.

Excessive external pomposity and self-confidence

Although in fact there are storms and hurricanes from fears and anxieties inside. The more a person shows his arrogance and superiority, the more he has shame for himself inside. Here is such a phenomenon in psychology. If a colleague or a loved one behaves like this, the very understanding of how he really suffers will reduce the level of anger and irritation towards him. But what to do if you feel this way — first of all, admit that you have difficulties with self-perception and self-perception.

Shame should be fought, as well as fear — by moving towards it. Try to be more open to people, clarify if they really consider you «unworthy», or is it just you? Believe me, the wall of alienation repels a large number of people from you, shame isolates and distorts reality. Take the risk of showing up with positive experiences, you won’t need a mask of superiority over time.

reality distortion

That is, the peculiarity of each failure is associated with one’s small stature, believing that others simply find fault with him, not taking him seriously. Thus, they relieve themselves of responsibility for their actions and deeds. After all, the opinion that others are simply unfair to them is more comfortable and more pleasant than the realization that they did not put enough effort or made a mistake. This is especially true in men. Learn to take responsibility, each time asking the question: “What did I personally bring to the situation that it all ended like this?”.


Sometimes the “Napoleonics” are really aggressive, they simply cannot stand the suffering and experiences, which is why they constantly experience background irritation. They also want to show the world that they are not so weak as it seems at first glance, preferring a style of behavior when «the best defense is an attack.» If you recognize yourself in these lines, then I recommend that you look at the article «TOP 8 methods of dealing with attacks of aggression and irritability.»


The desire to be the same as the rest can be harmful if you constantly experience the so-called «black» envy. To deal with it, write a list of 10 qualities and skills that you like about yourself. Then think about how bad they are for you. Then write down 10 points that you don’t like about yourself, and you consider them to be shortcomings, converting them into advantages in the same way. So you will understand what balance means, and that the very attitude to something is important.

Each quality can be both useful and harmful, it all depends on the conditions and situation.

The same Louis de Funes turned his small stature into an advantage, not embarrassed, but on the contrary, creating pictures where he looks comical against the background of larger people. You are unique, be proud of it and turn your differences from other people into an ally. And also see the article about envy, there you will find more exercises for understanding it and developing the ability to compete.


This is another pole of aggressiveness, a person simply directs it inward, avoiding communication and attempts to realize their desires. This often leads to deep depression, up to and including suicide. Be sure to read the article «Top 15 Best Ways to Deal with Depression, Despondency and Melancholy».


And that’s all for today, dear readers! If, after looking at the signs, you find that you have Napoleon’s syndrome, I recommend subscribing to updates and joining our groups on social networks. In the near future we will consider the issue of complexes in more detail. Good luck and self-love, learning to accept yourself as you are — you will find happiness and a sense of balance, inner balance.

There was an article about inferiority complexes, here is the link.

The material was prepared by Zhuravina Alina.

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