The better the sex life in a couple, the more partners are satisfied with the marriage as a whole. But with the crazy pace of life and the stresses that accompany it, we are often not up to intimacy. Who are the lucky ones who still manage to maintain sexual activity for a long time?
These people are not magicians, their secrets are simple, and everyone can use this experience if they wish.
1. They are friendly
Our personality traits affect every aspect of our lives, including sexuality. According to a study in which heterosexual newlyweds took part, those couples in which partners have a high degree of goodwill are more likely to have sex.
At the same time, researchers – psychologists from Florida State University – took into account all the elements that make up the so-called Big Five personality traits: friendliness, openness, neuroticism, extraversion, conscientiousness (conscientiousness), but it was friendliness that turned out to be the key quality that directly affects the intensity of sexual life. .
In addition, the study showed that if the initiator in sex is more often a man, then the decision to have sex or not, in most cases, remains with the woman.
2. They get enough sleep
Here is another stimulant of sexual activity – good sleep. A study led by David Kalmbach (University of Michigan) found that female students who allowed themselves more than average sleep had higher levels of desire.
By the way, the opposite is also true, as another study shows. Oxytocin and other stress-reducing hormones released during orgasm may improve sleep.
3. During sex, they say “I love you”
Emotional and physical intimacy are known to be closely linked. In a large study led by David Frederick (Chapman University), 75% of sexually satisfied men and 74% of sexually satisfied women reported that their partner told them “I love you” during sex. Many of them also noted that the appropriate atmosphere and talk about sex contributes to satisfaction.
4. They love experimenting.
This is where the Kamasutra can come in handy. As the same study found, experimenting in bed heightens feelings of happiness. And who doesn’t want to feel happy more often and do what causes vivid emotions?
5. They play sports
Any kind of physical exercise increases sexual desire, according to a study by a group of authors led by Adriana Wydal (Duke University).
To a greater extent, this applies to men: the more they train in the gym, the better their erectile function. Physical education will help even with reduced sexual desire.
6. They don’t have scheduled sex.
For them, sex is a pleasure, and not one of the items on the must-do list. As the experiment of researchers from Carnegie Mellon University showed, couples who are given the task to have sex more often begin to treat it as a routine, and the desire of partners weakens.
In other words, having sex cannot be a “goal” or a “goal.” Good sex involves giving in to desire and letting it lead us.