6 Rules for Dating… With Yourself

We are used to going out on dates or just meeting up with others: with a partner, girlfriend or mom. But we often forget about the person, meeting with whom will bring great benefit and a charge of creative energy – about ourselves.

The purpose of such a date is to learn how to find time for yourself, reveal your creative abilities and reboot, a mandatory rule is not to take anyone with you. Here are a few more rules to follow.

1. Plan dates in advance

Are you used to spending Friday evenings with your family? Warn your family in advance that this time you are going on a date. Prepare for these meetings as if you were invited by someone you’ve liked for a long time. Imagine that you can finally get to know each other better, learn something new and interesting about him.

2. Choose places where you have long wanted to visit

Dates should not take place at home, no matter how cozy it may be. Choose a place where you feel comfortable, where you can be quiet and listen to your thoughts. Have you ever wanted to go to a Tibetan restaurant? It’s time to do it. Order the most exotic dish and take your time enjoying it. Listen to the sensations: do you like the smell, taste, restaurant interior, music and people around you. Learn something new about yourself and don’t be afraid to embrace it.

3. Allow yourself to spend a little more than you are used to.

Learn to pamper yourself, it will help you realize your worth. When we constantly deny ourselves, we underestimate self-esteem, and for gifts to ourselves we feel guilty. More often this is typical of women who, first of all, take care of feeding their husbands, clothing their children and buying something home.

Buy what you have been eyeing for a long time: new linen, jewelry, a bottle of good wine or a collection book.

4. Take a notepad and pen with you

Write down everything that comes to mind: unexpected thoughts, new ideas, creative plans. Write a story about what you see. Observe the sensations. Draw if you are visual. If you have negative experiences, write them down as well. When you get home, reread what you wrote and work through each emotion. Ask yourself why this thought came to mind at this particular time. Perhaps you will learn something important about yourself.

5. Do not hurry

Spend as much time with yourself as you want. Try to drive away thoughts that business or work is waiting at home. Too often we look to the future, try to keep up with everything and forget about what we want. When you go on a date with yourself, be in the present moment and enjoy it.

6. Date regularly

The purpose of such dates is to reveal the potential and better understand your desires. Make a promise to yourself once a week and refuse to anyone who would encroach on this sacred time. Behind the refusal of planned creative dates is the fear of being alone with yourself, moving forward and developing. Throw it away, and over time you will feel the benefits of conscious loneliness, and meeting with yourself will become a good habit.

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