6 Reasons Why You Can’t Walk Barefoot at Home

There are many signs about this – and some of them have appeared relatively recently.

Doctors and even healers say that walking barefoot is beneficial. This is a foot massage, activation of bioenergetic points, and as a result, the whole body is healed. But the grandmothers grumble: they say, put on slippers, otherwise you will get sick / catch a cold / blow out / substitute your own version. Maybe they are not so wrong? After all, folk signs say that you can’t walk barefoot …

…4 January

On this day, the Orthodox celebrate the Day of Remembrance of St. Anastasia, who is considered the patroness of prisoners – the Pattern Cutter. During her lifetime, Saint Anastasia took care of those who ended up in prison: she treated, fed, washed, consoled. Her life ended in 304 – Saint Anastasia was executed for her devotion to the faith.

The sign says that if you walk barefoot around the house that day, then someone close to you may end up in jail. And in general it is easy to call unhappiness on relatives. For the same reason, it was forbidden to knit. In addition, on this day, you cannot pierce your ears, otherwise they will fester and will not heal. And the one who hits the animal on Nastasya’s day will suffer from problems with his legs.

Pregnant women on the day of St. Anastasia were forbidden to knit, sew and wind up threads, otherwise childbirth would be difficult.

…August 28

The Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary is one of the main Christian holidays, and it falls on August 28. There are a lot of bans on this day: you cannot do household chores or work in the garden, pick up knives, cook food, quarrel. The only thing that could be done around the house was to make preparations for the winter, in particular, to pickle cucumbers.

Girls were forbidden to have their hair cut that day, otherwise you will remain an old maid. And it was impossible to walk barefoot, so as not to incur various diseases. Initially, the ban concerned walking in the dew – it was believed that on this day the dew is not dew, but the tears of nature, which reminds of the death of the Mother of God. At the same time, it was impossible to wear old and uncomfortable shoes. The corns rubbed on that day foreshadowed a life full of problems.

… so as not to become poor

Everything is pretty simple here. Initially, in Russia, only wealthy people could afford to wear shoes all year round. If you are barefoot, then you are poor. That is, a tramp. Then the opposite sign was born from here: if you can afford to wear shoes, but you walk barefoot, then you will certainly bring poverty, misfortune and ruin upon yourself. But walking with shoes is a sign of prosperity.

… when someone died

A sad tradition, but where to get away from it – these are our roots. If someone died in the house, household members were strictly forbidden to take off their shoes both on the day the person died, and on the day of the funeral, until the next morning. It was believed that if this prohibition is violated, then you yourself will soon die. Nobody wanted to test such a gloomy omen on themselves, so they strictly observed it.

… when you go for mushrooms

Nowadays it is quite difficult to imagine someone walking barefoot to pick mushrooms. But once they did this, and the sign has survived to this day in a slightly modified form. It was believed that if you go barefoot on the mushrooms, you will only come across toadstools and worm-eaten fly agarics. Now, especially superstitious mushroom pickers try not to go barefoot, even at home, if they are going to go on a quiet hunt that day.

… on the cold floor

Moreover, the ban on walking with bare feet on tiles and porcelain stoneware has already leaked into the omen. Although initially it was about plank floors – it was easy to plant a splinter. However, the ban on walking on tiles has its own logic: it is usually cold, and this is simply unpleasant. It is impossible to get sick from walking on a cold one: the heat exchange in the human body is arranged in such a way that there is nothing harmful in the contact of the foot with the cold floor. But sitting on a cold one is really undesirable.

Rational grain

If someone in the household has a foot fungus, it is easy to catch it when everyone is walking barefoot. Therefore, in such cases, it is better to wear at least socks. In the end, it’s even more comfortable this way. But what’s wrong with ordinary slippers, you can read and see the link.

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