6 reasons why we overeat

Do you often look in the refrigerator, although you really don’t feel like eating? You are faced with one of the most common problems of our time. Our body does not need much to function properly. What are the reasons for our rampant overeating and how to deal with it, says psychologist Sergei Smelov.

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Sergey Smelov, psychologist, author of a patented weight correction method approved by the Ministry of Health.

The feeling of hunger is hard to ignore. It can make us fully focus on it, as it is one of the most important survival instincts. However, the feeling of lack of food may be imaginary. And quite often we don’t eat because we’re hungry. What pushes us to the refrigerator again and again? Here are the top 6 reasons why we overeat.

1. Boredom

Are you bored and have nothing to do? Or do you need to do a lot of repetitive work? Surely it occurred to you to spice up the monotony of gray everyday life with something tasty. Who among us has not put a plate of food next to him while working at the computer? Boredom is a reliable trigger for eating extra calories.

What to do? Find a fun activity that takes your mind off food. Use smaller plates, eat slowly and only in the kitchen, not in front of a TV or monitor.

2. Family traditions

People often blame genetics for the problem of excess weight: “Everyone in our family was overweight!” However, the cause of fullness in most cases are family habits. If the parents like to eat heartily, there is always a lot of high-calorie food in the refrigerator, the family dinner consists of the first, second and third every day, and it is customary to eat to the end in the house, the child will most likely get used to eating a lot. And this habit will carry with him throughout his life.

What to do? Pay attention to how your family members eat, and, if necessary, revise the diet – give preference to healthy natural food. Avoid long feasts or cook for yourself separately.

3. Conditioned reflex

No wonder they say that man is a slave of habit. If we are used to eating at 8, 14 and 19 every day, then at this time a reflex will work – the desire to eat. Similar situations extend to the desire to chew something in front of the TV or automatically buy popcorn before going to the cinema.

What to do? To eliminate a reflex, it must first be traced. And then learn to purposefully switch attention. Craving something sweet? Engage yourself in physical activity – take a walk, talk on the phone, or wash the dishes.

4. Having fun

Food is a pleasure. When we eat something tasty, the body produces the hormone of joy – serotonin. The human body does not require large amounts of fast carbohydrates to function properly. However, we like to experience positive emotions, and food is one way to get them. Therefore, every time the mood drops, the hand reaches for a chocolate bar.

What to do? Give yourself pleasure in other ways: go to the sauna, go for a massage, get creative, read. Discover other sources of joy.

5. Thirst

We often confuse thirst with hunger: lack of water in the body feels like a feeling of malnutrition. Quite often, the body does not need a full meal, but a liquid. It is no coincidence that doctors recommend daily consumption of 1,5-2 liters of pure water.

What to do? The next time you feel empty in your stomach, drink a glass of warm water and wait 10-15 minutes. If after that you still want to eat, you can have a snack.

6. Lack of sleep

Constant lack of sleep leads to weight gain. The “blame” hormones for this are leptin and ghrelin, which are responsible for the feeling of fullness and appetite. The less a person sleeps, the lower the leptin level – and the brain receives a signal: “Food is not enough!” Ghrelin levels rise, causing us to experience an uncontrollable feeling of hunger. In this case, the body tries to compensate for the imbalance through food.

What to do? You need to sleep at least 7-8 hours a day.

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