6 reasons adults are lazy

Hello! Very rarely, laziness is a manifestation of a weak character, lack of willpower, and so on. Basically, it turns out to be a symptom, that is, such a beacon that a person is doing something wrong or something is wrong in his life. Why is there no energy to act, realize your ambitions, and sometimes just get out of bed.

And today I suggest you consider the main causes of laziness in adults. To understand what exactly you had to face. Otherwise, all efforts to overcome it can be completely in vain, because initially it is necessary to find the root cause of such a state.


Physical health

Often, some diseases take a lot of strength, as a person has to endure pain, discomfort, all sorts of medical studies, procedures …

Sometimes trying to adapt to any conditions that are completely contraindicated for him. And in general, the disease “background”, that is, imperceptibly, can really deprive of all energy, to the point that it will not even remain for desire.

In addition, in our society, people usually seek help when it becomes completely unbearable. That is, they can endure ailments for a very long time, just not to “get” a diagnosis.

And while they «play hide and seek» with their disease, it gradually destroys the body, depriving it of all resources.

6 reasons adults are lazy

Wrong lifestyle

This refers to the lack of physical activity, good sleep and quality food. Now, if the phone is not charged for a long time, it goes into energy saving mode. That is, the backlight is at a minimum, some programs are turned off, and so on.

The same is true with our body. Therefore, there is a lack of vitality. Opportunities are limited, it is necessary to satisfy the most urgent needs that will help to survive. The rest becomes irrelevant.

And by the way, do you know what else threatens the lack of mental and physical activity? A person loses a sense of inner harmony and becomes emotionally unstable. Unconsciously, she “arranges” breakdowns for herself, because there are no particular impressions from life, food for thought too.

And outbursts of anger, as you may know, are significantly tiring, spending the rest of your strength. After that, quite naturally, a state sets in when “well, I don’t want anything at all.” And so on in a circle until chronic laziness or astheno-depressive syndrome occurs.

In general, the psychology of a person is as follows — the more active he is, the more resources and vitality he has.

But setting a goal, for example, to go to the gym on Monday, is also dangerous. Since usually such promises remain in the format of promises, and shame and guilt still settle inside that they did not live up to their expectations. It means that he is not capable of anything and so on. From which there is even more resistance to do something.

So, if you think of something, start implementing it right away.

Truth of desires

Remember, when you really want something, there is a feeling that nothing can stop you? You will overcome any obstacles, but will you achieve your goal?

And all because desire is the most powerful motivator. It is like a motor that drives us without letting us stop.

So, unfortunately, it often happens that a person follows the path of least resistance and wants to meet the expectations of loved ones and dearly loved ones. Why does he choose an activity that does not attract at all.

This usually happens when there is a whole generation of doctors in the family and the offspring is not given a chance to become, for example, an artist. Or there is a business that needs to be transferred to the heir, and he took it and decided to study as a veterinarian.

In general, you understand that situations are different. There is only one outcome — a person is deprived of the right of free choice. And then dissatisfaction accumulates, along with anger, which may not be realized, interfering with self-realization.

Or it happens that a person simply does not know what he wants. That is not able to discover their desires, recognize needs. And he starts to do what he is offered. Also completely without any interest and pleasure.

So, if you notice that you have become lazy, think about whether everything is happening the way you wanted and dreamed of?

6 reasons adults are lazy


Crises are inevitable, they are constant companions of absolutely each of us. If only because they help to develop, advance, change.

So, when the moment comes that «the old does not work, and the new has not yet been invented» — the person is confused. Best case scenario. Often horror, especially if you are used to keeping everything under control. And then it literally freezes, stops, because it does not know what to do, or waits for everything to come to its senses.

And it is precisely such periods that can be confused with laziness. Values ​​have changed, as well as guidelines, which is why it is important to revise your goals and priorities in order to determine what to follow and what to rely on.

So if you have suffered just such a fate, do not scold yourself for inaction, but rather click here, here you will find detailed information on how to discover your destiny, the meaning of life.


It has already been mentioned that when the body is exhausted, it goes into an energy-saving mode. So, it is at this moment that laziness helps to recover, to protect oneself from the load. And it doesn’t matter whether the person was overworked, or asthenia manifested itself against the background of experienced stress, or even a lot, having exhausted the nervous system.

So, if you didn’t take care of yourself, ignored vacations, weekends, dealt with problems alone, and so on, then thank your psyche that it took care of you in such a way. By turning on the lazy mode.

People who, for some reason, have not found such a toggle switch to switch from activity to passivity, have a risk of facing burnout syndrome. Which threatens with prolonged depression and various psychosomatic diseases. You can find out how your affairs are, more precisely, whether this syndrome has overtaken you with the help of this online test.


In society, laziness is more acceptable than, for example, cowardice, which is ridiculed. Therefore, it is easier for a person not to start some kind of work, to put it off until the last minute, than to take a risk and do it, and then worry that he actually turned out to be a loser, incapable of anything.

The fear of being «underwhelmed» can be very powerful indeed. And not to be realized, therefore the owner himself sometimes does not realize why he is unable to force himself to act.

In this way, he manages to maintain his self-esteem. Especially in cases where he is under pressure from the outside.

Society recognizes mostly successful individuals, strong and stable. Relatives and close people can expect something completely impossible for this person. And to disappoint them means to lose the right to love. Unfortunately, in most cases, this is how people perceive the consequences of unjustified hopes.


Finally, I want to recommend an article that describes the most effective ways to combat laziness. It will come in handy in any case, regardless of whether you managed to find the reason for your inactivity or not.

Take care of yourself and, of course, be happy!

The material was prepared by a psychologist, Gestalt therapist, Zhuravina Alina

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