Do you want to be happy? Well, what a question! Only not everyone fully understands what this means, and therefore they do not know how to be happy. It turns out that the keys to happiness exist — this is not a fairy tale, but serious scientific facts.
When people are asked what they would like most in the world, almost everyone answers: more money and happiness. Unfortunately, most equate one to the other, but the secret of happiness is not in this. Happiness is something extremely important for each of us. It would be sad to live without him. Therefore, so many people are trying to find his secret.
Happy people have rare qualities and are willing to share them. What if this is the key that will open the door and let the flow of joy into our lives? Let’s find out what will help to become happy.
1. Show generosity
We often hear that selflessness and generosity is one of the best ways to cheer up. Indeed, some research supports this theory. Brain scans of people who have done good deeds have revealed activity in the ventral region, which causes a feeling of happiness.
Dr. Philip Tobler, author of the study, writes: “Remarkably, intention causes neural changes even before the action has taken place. The promise to behave generously alone can be used, on the one hand, as a strategy to reinforce the desired behavior, and on the other hand, in order to be happier. For happiness, it is not at all necessary to become a self-sacrificing martyr, it is enough to show a little generosity.
2. Be kind
A 2015 study confirmed that people with a high degree of agreeableness are happier than others. This quality helps in work and personal life.
“The more benevolent a person is, the more you can trust him and expect sympathy and readiness to help from him. While gloomy and unfriendly people are indifferent and suspicious of everyone, you should not hope that they will become involved, ”writes LiveScience.
3. Learn to forgive
Sometimes it’s hard to forgive. Still, happy people know how to forget the hurt and forgive the offenders. They realized how destructive vindictiveness is. Forgiveness is “associated with increased productivity, reduced absenteeism, and reduced likelihood of developing various mental and physical health problems, such as sadness and headaches,” according to a survey of 200 office and production workers, according to Inc. Magazine.
The tendency to cling to negative emotions after the conflict is over is a drag. Because of it, a habit of detachment and unwillingness to interact with someone can arise. Moreover, it often leads to manifestations of aggression. Forgiveness is essential to staying mentally healthy.
4. Pay up front
This quality goes hand in hand with generosity. The Coca Cola’s Madrid website published a study from the University of California, which said that people who were kind were 10 times more likely to act for the benefit of others. And those who made it got more pleasure from work and enjoyed a high quality of life.
In addition, all those who gave kindness had a significant decrease in the level of depression. And when recipients were also asked to become givers, the result was exactly the same.
5. Build Strong Relationships of Trust
The Harvard Study of Adult Development has been studying the lives of hundreds of university graduates for more than 70 years. Scientists have found that the healthiest and happiest were those who tried to maintain strong relationships with their spouses and other close people.
6. Choose happiness
It sounds a little ambiguous, because mental health problems can really interfere with this. But even with a chemical imbalance, there are things you can do to choose happiness. Try to figure out how you communicate with yourself and learn how to use tools such as self-awareness, meditation, and a personal diary.