- 1. What are the health risks of the operation and do you have any contraindications?
- 2. Are there alternatives to plastic?
- 3. What are your expectations from plastic surgery?
- 4. Have you become a victim of the fashion for plastic surgery?
- 5.Are you ready for a long period of rehabilitation?
- 6. Are you sufficiently informed about what and how will you be done?
Plump lips, small upturned noses, sharp cheekbones seem to have become necessary today for us to feel beautiful. And the signs of age are perceived by many almost as a disease. But how to determine whether plastic surgery is really necessary or not? Says plastic surgeon Lyubov Gower.
Today, plastic surgery has ceased to be a rare phenomenon, accessible only to a narrow group of «elite»: to increase the size of the breast, correct the shape of the nose, erase wrinkles and other traces of time and «reduce» by 5 sizes, almost everyone can afford.
This is one of the trends of our time: society largely abandons human individuality and follows the path of standardizing the parameters of the body and face. It happens that the inhabitants of the East change the shape of their eyes, trying to resemble Europeans, and the southerners whiten their naturally dark skin, trying to make it “marble”.
If we turn to history, we will remember that plastic surgery appeared and developed as a means of helping in cases where a person became disfigured under the influence of external factors. Burns, battle wounds, congenital pathologies — the first masters of the scalpel worked with these problems. Further, already in the twentieth century, attempts began to harmonize appearance — after all, this was required by the «gold standards» of Hollywood.
The development of the sphere has accelerated with the advent of the latest technologies — they allow you to improve the methods of correction, making them safer and atraumatic. But even today it is worth thinking carefully: do you really need surgery or is it a fashion trend? How aware is this step? I recommend asking yourself a few questions to understand this, because your awareness will determine whether you are satisfied with the result.
1. What are the health risks of the operation and do you have any contraindications?
Any plastic surgery is performed under anesthesia. And even though today it is low-toxic and practically harmless, there are a number of reasons why you may be denied an operation with one or another type of anesthesia. Among them are diseases of the cardiovascular system, blood, some infectious diseases, problems with the musculoskeletal system and the nervous system, disruption of the endocrine system, hormone-dependent pathologies and bronchial asthma, as well as pregnancy and lactation. The same applies to sedation or medication sleep. After all, sleep corrections also have certain contraindications. Therefore, carefully read the restrictions and rules before contacting a surgeon.
2. Are there alternatives to plastic?
For the most part, there are no such alternatives. For example, overweight can be successfully combated with the help of a professionally selected diet, intense physical activity and cosmetology. But this is only if your skin is not stretched, there is no excess of it. When losing weight, skin tissues begin to sag, and this problem is eliminated only by surgery. And cosmetology will help with rehabilitation. A facelift cannot be replaced by either the work of a beautician, or face fitness, and even more so the use of conventional care products from the store.
3. What are your expectations from plastic surgery?
Many mistakenly believe that life’s troubles, unhappy love or problems at work are the result of only an insufficiently beautiful appearance. But it is not always the case. First of all, this is due to complexes and other psychological problems that need to be worked on in the office of a specialized specialist. He will reveal the true cause of dissatisfaction with himself.
This is especially true in situations where a woman has good external data.
Sometimes the tendency to constantly «remake» oneself is caused by a special disorder — dysmorphophobia. At the same time, changes in appearance do not give a feeling of confidence and happiness. However, if you have obvious problems that obviously affect how others treat you, a plastic surgeon can eliminate them. Ask yourself the question — what exactly should the operation change?
4. Have you become a victim of the fashion for plastic surgery?
Looking at girlfriends who show off their renewed seductive figures and rejuvenated faces, you can involuntarily feel “out of your element”. Especially when they start talking about what they think you need to correct. And you, under the influence of such advice, unconsciously begin to look for some problems that, in principle, do not exist or do not require an urgent solution. And find!
Think: maybe your problem is far-fetched? It’s one thing if you had a nose injury, it changed shape and hurts, besides making it difficult, for example, to do your favorite freediving. And it’s another matter if your friends call your naturally neat nose not thin enough. Feel the difference?
5.Are you ready for a long period of rehabilitation?
Judging by what they write in fashion magazines, we might think that plastic surgery is a matter of a couple of days. It seems as if you go to the clinic on the appointed day, then the doctor quickly performs the operation, and — voila! Even tomorrow on the cover of a magazine. But we completely forget that between the first and second «moments» there is such an unpleasant thing as rehabilitation, which in some cases takes weeks or months. And hidden edema often lasts up to six months, depending on the volume of the operation and the body’s ability to regenerate.
It is important to consider that young patients recover faster than people in adulthood.
How are the first days after the correction? There may be pain in the area of operation, sometimes pain medications are required. During breast endoprosthesis replacement (implant placement), these sensations can be quite significant, and we warn patients about this in advance.
In addition, if you decide to have mammoplasty, you will need to constantly wear special underwear for a month. And in general, the first postoperative weeks make their own adjustments to the usual way of life. Therefore, you should not plan surgical interventions before any important event — what if the rehabilitation period is delayed?
6. Are you sufficiently informed about what and how will you be done?
It is important that you receive full information in advance about what exactly and using what techniques the surgeon will perform in the operating room. I myself usually recommend that patients come to a consultation where I tell them about the operation. In some situations, it can be conducted in the form of an online conversation. We can determine in advance whether there are complicating factors, to suggest how the rehabilitation will take place.
In addition, the doctor should talk about the existing methods of correction and types of access — or, to put it simply, the places of incisions. Often there are several of them, and you can choose the option that suits you. Also, at the consultation, they usually talk about rehabilitation — the rules and prohibitions, violating which, you risk getting complications. They are often much more difficult to eliminate, sometimes it comes to the point that a second correction may be required.
Immediately before the operation, an anesthesiologist should talk to you — he will tell you about the type of anesthesia, clarify whether there are allergic reactions to medications. Summarizing the above, I emphasize: only having the whole complex of information, in the absence of diseases and risks, with the full conscious need for plastic surgery, it is worth contacting a surgeon. Then the result will not disappoint, and the rehabilitation will be more comfortable and faster.