6 questions to ask the surgeon before an operation

There is no such thing as a dumb question! Keep in mind that the prior discussion with the surgeon who is going to operate on you should allow you to experience your operation in the best possible conditions. So ask your questions, it will allow you to arrive more relaxed on the big day. Do not hesitate to write a small list so as not to forget anything. If you don’t know what to ask for, here are some ideas:
1. Is the operation a compulsory passage?
Obviously, if it is cosmetic surgery, the question does not arise … But for other situations, it is the case. For some pathologies, there may be alternative treatments. Sometimes we can even simply choose to wait. At any rate, your doctor is there to help you assess the benefits and risks of every choice you make, transaction or not.
2. What are you going to do to me?
To perform certain surgical procedures, such as a herniated disc for example, the surgeon may ask you to sign a paper describing the progress of the operation. A measure that allows him to make sure that you validate what he will do and that you are well aware of the risks involved. But in the real world, chances are you don’t understand much about medical terms. Ask him to explain to you if necessary by drawing you a diagram… Without going into too much detail either!
3. What anesthesia?
General, local, loco-regional … We have all heard of these anesthesias but ultimately, we do not really know their specificity. Is there going to be an intubation, a mask, a big needle? Now is the time to ask your surgeon! Even if he is not the one who will perform the anesthesia, he can perfectly answer you and explain the choice that was made to operate on you afterwards..
4. How will the pain be managed?
One of the patient’s greatest fears is feeling pain after an operation. This is why the surgeon must be reassuring and explain everything that will be offered to you to relieve postoperative pain. Whether strong, moderate or weak, pain is treatable in all cases. The way to manage it will be different. They will also tell you whether the pain reliever you are taking is causing side effects or not.
5. What next?
How long will it take to get home? Who should bring you back? What care will you receive? Will you need to do rehabilitation? When can you return to normal life? How long will your sick leave last? All these questions about your convalescence should allow you to prepare your daily life after the operation..
6. How much will the operation cost?
A surgical operation is a paying medical act then, remember to request a quote ! This document will allow you to anticipate costs and find out about health insurance coverage. Thus, you will not have any bad surprises if your surgeon practices fees overruns… Also find out about the supplements for having a single room or television.
Perrine Deurot-Bien
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