Hirudin, an enzyme from the medicinal leech, is credited with healing properties. And hirudotherapy is the ability to cure many problems that modern medicine is powerless to face.
If you get to know these healing animals, your prejudices are easy to overcome, say those who decided to try hirudotherapy for themselves. It is no secret that for many, a leech – as something that is associated with blood, wounds – causes rather unpleasant emotions. But the list of diseases in which hirudotherapy gives a positive result is simply huge.
Is the treatment suitable for everyone? How does it work? Are there any contraindications?
1. Why are leeches placed on certain points?
Biologically active points of the body effectively respond to any point impact. There are various methods of using leeches: on certain areas of the body or according to Chinese recipes, that is, on acupuncture points.
In ancient Chinese treatises, there are references to the use of leeches instead of classic needles in order to obtain acupuncture-like therapeutic effect or even better.
Hirudotherapy is used in clinics in Taiwan, Thailand, and China. In Russia, this is also a long tradition; medicinal leeches have been cultivated here since about the XNUMXth century. Hirudotherapy techniques were widely used by zemstvo doctors, placing leeches on the projections of organs or zonally – along the course of nerves, muscles, joints.
2. Leeches are credited with the glory of a panacea against infertility. If so, why are they not used for this purpose in official medicine?
Hirudotherapy is recognized as official medicine: since about the 40s, there has been a corresponding instruction from the Ministry of Health, as well as medical institutions that train specialists for this area.
But the fact is that both excessive expectations, belief in a panacea, and, conversely, an element of distrust regarding hirudotherapy come from a lack of understanding of how it works. We are accustomed to treating and being treated with medical methods, with the help of pills. And the leech turns on the mechanism of self-healing.
In response to the injection of a unique combination of substances, enzymatic reactions are activated in the body, and sometimes this small biochemical shift is enough to start the processes of self-regulation. And the potential for self-regulation in the human body is simply enormous. And sometimes a kind of miracle happens – for example, healing from infertility.
3. Are there any contraindications to the use of leeches or an allergy to them?
Indeed, hirudotherapy is not suitable for everyone. To begin with, a biochemical blood test is required – according to it, a specialist can determine whether leeches are needed in this case. Formal contraindications: anemia, hypotension and, of course, hemophilia, since the treatment procedure is associated with blood loss.
Allergy to leeches certainly exists, especially to the oriental variety, which has a very high concentration of the enzyme. On the other hand, leeches are used to treat allergies to other substances.
Pregnancy is formally also a contraindication, but sometimes hirudotherapy gives a wonderful effect in case of miscarriage. Only therapy should be started before pregnancy and continued during it.
4. It is believed that the leech itself finds a sore spot. What is the role of the hirudotherapist in this? And is it possible to use leeches on their own as a home remedy?
In order for the therapy to produce the desired effect, a qualified specialist is required. Firstly, a leech can not be placed in any place – at least a centimeter and a half from the blood vessels. Contrary to popular belief, it does not suck blood, but lymph, stained with capillary blood.
Leeches contribute to the resorption of sutures, scars, keloids. They can also be used for the purpose of lifting – skin tightening.
Secondly, only a specialist can decide on which zones, how often and how many leeches should be placed.
Therefore, I would not recommend them as a home remedy. Some, say hypertensive patients, sometimes use leeches themselves to improve their well-being, but this requires at least experience and knowledge of the schemes.
5. There is an opinion that leeches can also be used for cosmetic purposes: for rejuvenation, against cellulite, to improve skin condition. Is it so?
Yes it’s true. There is even a whole branch of cosmetology – hirudoplasty. Leeches contribute to the resorption of sutures, scars, keloids. They can also be used for the purpose of lifting – skin tightening.
Metabolism in tissues improves significantly, and this affects both skin tone and complexion. However, before embarking on hirudotherapy for cosmetic purposes, you need to undergo a general therapeutic course: if there are problems with digestion or the endocrine system, then the cosmetic effect will be unstable.
6. Can leeches carry diseases such as HIV or hepatitis?
This is absolutely excluded: all medical leeches are disposable. They are disposed of immediately after use.
About expert
Maria Zhu Dan – hirudotherapeutist, specialist in acupuncture.
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