6 Parenting Principles from XNUMXst Century Moms

Zoomers and Millennials. Two generations, whose growing up took place at the beginning of the new century. Conservatives dismissively call them «snowflakes» and accuse them of being too tolerant. But are they really that terrible? What is their truth? And what values ​​will they pass on to their children?

«Generation Y» and «Generation Z»

In the West, they sought the dismissal of university teachers and massively complained about Trump on Twitter. They also demanded that Bunin’s works be excluded from educational programs for romanticizing violence. How do representatives of this generation differ from their parents and what kind of parents are obtained from them? What can be learned from them?

What kind of values ​​will XNUMXst century mothers pass on to their children? Before moving on to answering these questions, let’s recall the milestones and distinguishing features of Zoomers and Millennials.

Increased sensitivity

The term «snowflake generation» became popular after the release of Chuck Palahniuk’s novel Fight Club. “You are not unique, the unique beauty of a snowflake is not about you,” says one of the main characters of the book. Opponents use the term to highlight the generation’s perceived oversensitivity to racism, sexism, and other forms of discrimination.

intolerance to intolerance

The new generation was formed under the influence of the ideas of feminism and developed liberalism. By the beginning of the XNUMXst century, Europe understood that any discrimination is a dead end, with many terrible historical examples (apartheid, the Holocaust).

But, unlike their parents, the new generation was already born in an atmosphere of tolerance, which means they absorbed it from early childhood. The increase in tuition fees gave students more rights. A wave of dismissals swept across Europe among teachers who allowed themselves harsh remarks about women, victims of violence or ethnic minorities.

The burden of shame is gradually decreasing. People feel less alone in their pain

Against the background

Radicals are always more visible, which is why in Russia the so-called “snowflakes” are known for “Twitter activism”, expressed in the form of mass complaints about accounts that contradict their views.

Also, some of them have distinguished themselves by demanding that all unwanted information be removed from the training programs, which can become a trigger that provokes painful traumatic memories. Many works of art fell under such censorship, where, according to representatives of the generation, violence and discrimination were shown in a positive light.

If allegations of violence appeared on the Web, they could arrange informational persecution of the alleged perpetrators without waiting for a court decision and expert opinion.

What are the advantages?

In the USSR, as you know, not only «there was no» sex, but also depression, post-traumatic stress disorders, husbands «did not beat» their wives, since all this was carefully hidden. Such secrecy up to a certain point also existed in the West.

Such openness makes society more human and alive with its imperfections and many complex personal histories.

In recent decades, we have learned about the impressive scale of violence, the sexual use of children, the prevalence of mental disorders. There is more and more information, we are talking about what is happening more and more openly, and reality is becoming much more “alive”. Show business stars are not afraid to speak frankly about how they lay in hospitals, took antidepressants or experienced beatings from partners.

Violence or mental diagnoses did not increase, they just began to be spoken about publicly.

The power of flash mobs

With the help of a variety of flash mobs (#MeToo, #IDidn’tWantToDie, #FaceOfDepression and others), the new generation challenges the notorious “do not wash dirty linen in public”. Such actions have a healing effect for those who are experiencing or have experienced such shocks and traumas. The burden of shame is gradually decreasing. People feel less alone in their pain.

When we hear how the conditional Irina Gorbacheva or Stas Kostyushkin talk about their experiences of violence or other tragedies, the thought “I am to blame for what happened to me” is gradually replaced by “not only I experienced this.”

Ideality and secrecy are no longer in vogue. And although there are different opinions in society about how acceptable it is to share intimate things with others, it is gradually becoming easier for people to talk about what they have experienced, which means it is easier to ask for help and support. Such openness makes society more humane and alive.

And how does all this manifest itself in motherhood?

What values ​​will mothers of the XNUMXst century pass on to their children?

Principle 1. Culture of consent, or «no» means «no»

«No person can touch you or have sexual contact without your active consent.» A mother of a new generation is unlikely to tell her daughter “she is to blame” if she confesses to her that she was raped. Rather, he will take you to the police and a psychologist, explain who is the victim in this situation and who is the perpetrator.

Principle 2: Safe space comes first

In other words, a space free from discrimination, stereotypes and gender prejudices is created in the family. The child of a new generation mother is unlikely to attack someone for having a different skin color. Boys can cry, but girls don’t have to suppress their anger. Girls can play with soldiers and boys with dolls.

This gives more freedom and peace of mind. Children are not punished for not conforming to gender roles and societal expectations. And this gives the child the feeling that everything is already in order with him, and he is accepted as he is.

Principle 3: No violence!

Everything is clear here. These mothers are absolutely against violence and will not use physical punishment. And this is already 50% success in terms of mental health and the successful development of the child. Consequently, their children are also likely to learn that violence is not acceptable.

Principle 4. First put on a mask on yourself

Another credo of young mothers is boundaries. Unlike older women, today’s parents are concerned about their own well-being, not just the well-being of their children. The well-known flight rule “First put the mask on yourself, then on the child” has confidently entrenched itself in modern life and has acquired other meanings.

Zoomers and Millennials have learned from their parents that striving to be the perfect mother results in a twitchy eye rather than marital happiness.

Principle 5. Body positivity to the masses

“Zoomers” and “millennials” strive to accept and love their bodies, unlike the generation whose growing up and youth fell on the 90s with their fashion for unhealthy thinness.

A good body is a healthy body. Models of different builds and weights appear in the beauty industry, plus-size women or girls with features that do not meet the standards of the 90s walk along the catwalks.

«Beauty can be different» — this is the principle of the new generation. Exhausting diets, flat stomachs and protruding bones are no longer considered mandatory for girls. «New moms» are unlikely to put children on a diet for aesthetic reasons or require them to meet 90/60/90 standards. This is something they should learn from. After all, it is not only about health, but also about self-confidence.

Principle 6. The experience of ancestors is not always worthy of respect

Respecting elders only for the number of years lived is a dubious prospect for this generation. They believe that age alone is not a guarantee of intelligence and wisdom:

“If the grandfather beat the father, this does not mean that I should beat my child. Down with family traditions! If a grandmother is old, this does not give her the right to bang her fist on the table and decide what values ​​I will instill in my children.

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