6 most popular meat substitutes – Dietetics – Articles |

Apart from health considerations resulting from excessive consumption of meat (including a higher risk of atherosclerosis, heart disease and cancer), it is considered that a diet rich in meat products is uneconomical because it consumes the world’s resources of water, energy and soil. In 2017, there was about 75 kg of meat per static Pole, which is over one kilogram per week. However, to produce a kilogram of meat, you need about 10 kg of vegetable protein. Increasing awareness of the side effects of meat overconsumption means that more and more people declare their willingness to limit their consumption (almost 60% of people in Poland). There is talk of the so-called peak meat – that is, about reaching the peak capacity of meat production and in developed countries its consumption slowly begins to decline. Other vegetable sources of protein are sought after.

The most popular of them are:

Tofu (aka soy cheese)

It is one of the most popular meat substitutes on our market. It is made from a soy drink (formerly known as soy milk) during the coagulation process. Tofu can be bought as a finished product, but you can also prepare it yourself. It is quite simple and consists of 2 steps:

  1. Preparation of soybean drink (this step can be skipped when buying ready-made soybean drink): soybeans should be soaked, then ground with water and drained: soy milk and soybean pulp, professionally called okara (can be used for other vegetarian dishes).
  2. Preparation of tofu: add a coagulant to the soy drink, e.g. lemon juice – it will form lumps of tofu, which you just need to drain from the liquid.


This is another soybean product, albeit fermented. It usually serves as a substitute for fish as it is similar in structure to meat. It has a nut-mushroom flavor and you can also prepare it yourself, but it is more difficult than with tofu:

  1. As with tofu, soybeans must be soaked.
  2. Then boil the soybeans with vinegar, drain and cool.
  3. Add a starter containing Rhizopus oligosporus spores.
  4. We store everything at 30-42 ° C for 24-36 hours.


It’s also a soybean product that looks and tastes like chicken – it has a fibrous texture and a slightly rubbery texture. It is formed during the slow pasteurization of a soybean drink – during this process, soy protein, which resembles a milk sheepskin, is collected on the surface of the drink. The sheepskin coat is collected, cut into strips and then dried. Before use, the yuba must be soaked. Yuba is little known in our country, it can be mainly purchased in Asian food stores, in the form of sheets or sticks.

TVP (textured vegetable protein) – textured vegetable protein

It is also produced from soybeans, namely skimmed soy flour. They can be purchased in the form of flakes, pellets or small pieces and are considered a substitute for minced meat. For example, soybean cutlets are prepared with TVP.


Contrary to the previously discussed products, this one is obtained from wheat flour, after the starch is rinsed out of it. It consists almost entirely of gluten. It has a neutral taste and a slightly brown color. Ultimately, however, its taste depends on the broth in which it will be cooked. Seitan can be bought as a finished product or made by yourself, e.g. by preparing dumplings dough and then rinsing it with water. Obviously, this product cannot be used by people suffering from celiac disease.


Especially noteworthy here are oyster mushrooms, which, unlike forest mushrooms, are characterized by high nutritional value and contain easily digestible protein. A popular dish of shunts is the so-called tripe, which in appearance and taste do not differ much from pork tripe.

Finding the right plant substitutes is mainly aimed at ensuring an adequate supply of protein. Comparison of the protein content in meat and vegetable products:

ProductThe amount of protein (g / 100g of product)
chicken meat (carcass)18,6
pork (boneless)17,5
beef (class I)21,7
oily fish (on the example of salmon)19,9
lean fish (on the example of cod)17,7
Tempehapprox. 20
yubaapprox. 20
oyster mushrooms1,6

Reducing meat consumption has both health and environmental benefits. Remember, however, that meat is not only a source of protein. It provides the body with well-absorbed iron and vitamin B12. While iron can be supplemented with plant products, using some tricks to improve its absorption (e.g. by adding foods rich in vitamin C), vitamin B12 is only found in animal products and vegans should supplement it.

Źródła: Research of the IBRiS Institute GUS data on meat consumption https://www.wiadomoscihandlowe.pl/artykuly/prawie-…

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