6 most delicious and affordable champagnes for the new year

I have neither the strength nor the desire to work. The mood is pre-holiday, light and playful, like champagne. By the way, have you already stocked up before the holidays? What did they take? Again Russian champagne? Can we see what else is available?

No celebration is complete without exquisite champagne. Sometimes there is a desire to drink a glass for no particular reason, just for the sake of pleasure. To enjoy the taste and aroma of a noble drink, you need to choose it correctly.

What wines are champagnes

Any alcoholic drink with bubbles is often referred to as champagne. According to EU law, only wines made in Champagne in France can have a Champagne label.

Grapes of certain varieties, a minimum exposure of 18 months, classical technology, geographical location – compliance with these conditions gives the right to call the product champagne.

Alcohol that meets the requirements of production, but created in other regions of France, other countries – sparkling wines.

Which countries produce champagne

  1. France. Leader in production and sales.
  2. Italy. The country is in second place in the world.
  3. Spain. Produced according to traditional technology.
  4. Russia. Krasnodar Territory, Crimea.
  5. USA. The agreement, signed in 2006, does not allow the release of new brands of the drink.
  6. Portugal. White and pink varieties.

Right choice of

In order not to buy a carbonated wine drink, carefully study the composition on the label, appearance.

  • only a dark bottle is able to preserve the quality of the drink;
  • the composition should not contain carbon dioxide (CO2), dyes, flavors;
  • cork made of natural material;
  • the color must be transparent, the shade must correspond to the declared one (white, pink)

Not only quality, but also quantity affects the state of health.

Types of champagne

There is a certain classification. The type depends on the type of raw material, the aging period, the amount of sugar, production technology:

  • Vintage. Made from one variety of wine berries. Harvested in a favorable year for winemaking. Usually once every 5 years.
  • Non-vintage. A blend of three specific grape varieties. Harvest without a specific year.

Depending on the amount of sugar, it is divided into categories:

  • brut – dry;
  • extra dry – semi-dry;
  • secDry – semi-sweet;
  • doux – dessert, sweet.

Which is better to determine by tasting, depending on preferences.

6 best champagnes

Elite champagne, not everyone can buy because of the high price. By tradition, Russians prefer “Soviet”.

I dare to recommend the rating of the best inexpensive champagne, based on the opinion of connoisseurs and tasters.

  1. Asti. Light with a natural fruity note. The grape variety “White Muscat” makes the wine sweet.
  2. “Abrau-Durso”. Russia Krasnodar Territory. Aged for at least 3 years. The grapes are harvested slightly unripe. The berries are not too sweet.
  3. “New World”. Russian sparkling wine created according to classic recipes and technologies. Vineyards are located in the Sevastopol region. The microclimate is close to the Champagne region.
  4. Bosca. They are produced in Lithuania and in our country from raw materials brought from Italy.
  5. Tsimlyanskoe. Rostov. Quality drink worthy of attention.
  6. Phanagoria. Taman Peninsula. Natural champagne is used. Varieties of berries imported from Europe are used.

The aroma is revealed when the bubbles from the bottom of the glass rise to the top and burst.

Champagne is associated with a holiday, romance, good mood. I am convinced that a bottle of sparkling wine should always be in the refrigerator for special moments.

Sometimes a bottle in the fridge is a special occasion. I try to keep a spare at all times just in case. I am sure that many will agree with me.

Excessive alcohol consumption is harmful to your health! Take care of yourself!

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