6 month pregnant

6 month pregnant

The condition of the fetus from 6 months of pregnancy

At the start of this 6th month of pregnancy, the baby measures 28 cm and weighs 560 g. He moves a lot, with no less than 20 to 60 movements per half hour. He is very sensitive to his mother’s emotional state, and especially her stress.

All the structures and organs of the 6 month old fetus are in place. Her sexual organs, now clearly visible on ultrasound, continue to mature. At the level of the nervous system, the neurons have reached their final number and they will now differentiate, while the nerves create their network all over the body and the brain. The bone marrow now makes white and red blood cells.

The baby swallows a lot of amniotic fluid, which it processes in its kidneys and then emits urine. If he does not breathe strictly speaking (he will only do so at birth), he absorbs amniotic fluid via respiration, which contributes to lung maturation, a very important step for him to be born.

At the end of this 6th month of pregnancy (28 SA), the baby is 33 cm tall and weighs 870 g.


Changes in a mother who is 6 months pregnant

The belly becomes more and more imposing and the weight gain accelerates from this 6th month of pregnancy. It corresponds to the weight of the baby, which grows bigger day by day, to that of the appendages (placenta, water bag) which also develop to meet the growing needs of the baby, as well as that of the fat reserves formed for the purpose of breastfeeding.

It is advisable to monitor your weight curve during pregnancy. A pregnant woman can do this on her own by weighing herself regularly. Otherwise, the gynecologist weighs in during prenatal consultations. The average weight gain during pregnancy is variable depending on the BMI (body mass index) of the woman before becoming pregnant. For example, a woman with a normal BMI (between 19,8 and 26), will gain between 11,5 and 16 kg. Controlling your weight is possible during these 9 months. 6 months pregnant, it is better to avoid being overweight to avoid the risks that may cause premature delivery.

As the body’s center of gravity moves forward, the gait begins to change, the back arches, sometimes causing pain.

Under the effect of the baby, which takes up more and more space and pushes the internal organs upwards, but also of the hormonal impregnation which slows down gastric emptying, acid reflux can appear. Constipation is also common.

The fetus at 6 months consumes a lot of oxygen, which can lead to anemia resulting in fatigue, shortness of breath. Screening for anemia is usually prescribed at this stage of pregnancy and followed if necessary by iron supplementation.

With the upcoming entry into the 3rd trimester, the prospect of childbirth is more present, which may raise some fears in the mother. The hormonal impregnation amplifies this fragile emotional climate.


Things to do or prepare for during the 6th month of pregnancy

  • Pass the fifth compulsory visit.
  • take blood for full blood count (anemia screening), hepatitis B and C serology
  • screen for gestational diabetes, which is not compulsory but strongly recommended for future mothers considered to be at risk (maternal age over 35, BMI ≥ 25, history of diabetes in 1st degree parents, history of gestational diabetes or macrosome baby during from a previous pregnancy). This screening is carried out between 24 and 28 weeks with the OGPO test (hyperglycemia induced by the oral route) carried out in three stages: a first blood test on an empty stomach, a second blood test one hour after drinking 75 g of glucose, then a third blood test two hours after ingestion of glucose.
  • start to prepare the baby’s trousseau and his room


  • A 6 month pregnant, it’s time to spare. The relaxation and breathing exercises allow you to relax, to find a serene sleep. The tilting of the pelvis, very easy to achieve, effectively relieves the back.
  • it is not too early to use your nursing pillow. Placed between the legs in a position lying on the side (left to free the vena cava located on the right), it allows you to find a comfortable position for the night.
  • it is quite normal to apprehend childbirth and her future status as a mother. Do not hesitate to talk about it to those around you (choosing the right people to talk to), your midwife.

The 6 month pregnant woman may feel a few contractions (the uterus hardens several times an hour), it is important to consult quickly in order to control the contractions by monitoring, check the cervix, and rule out any threat of premature delivery. 

From the start of pregnancy, an anti-stretch mark cream can be applied to certain areas of the body, such as the stomach, hips, chest, thighs and possibly the buttocks. These areas are particularly stressed during pregnancy. The skin will stretch to accommodate the baby and weight gain will accelerate. If it hasn’t been done right from the start, it’s high time to hydrate your body 6 month pregnant. Rosehip oil is particularly recommended as well as creams based on Centella Asiatica, more commonly known as “tiger herbs”, which promotes the regeneration of skin tissue. 

Communicating with baby has been possible for a few weeks. The links created between the future mother and the fetus can be strengthened, from 6 month pregnant. There are different ways to communicate with your baby in utero, such as haptonomy, sophrology or yoga.

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