6 mobile apps to get closer

When there is discord in a couple, the advice of loved ones or books on psychology do not always help. Something more practical is needed. Now a smartphone can become an assistant in love affairs: the developers have come up with applications that will help you get closer, make peace, or at least just laugh together.

Not only books on applied psychology and advice from experienced people can help in creating a strong and harmonious union: sometimes applications that you can install on your smartphone do it much more successfully. Modern technologies allow partners to feel close even if they rarely see each other, tell them what exactly they are doing wrong, and even encourage them to invite each other to a movie or a restaurant.


She did not make a scene when he was once again late at work – 10 points. He washed the dishes – 20 points. Maybe people keep such a subconscious calculation of the moral feats that their soul mates perform during the day, but only a computer program will allow these calculations to be put on a truly mathematical level. Love can also be gamified, and Kahnoodle is the best evidence of this: by involving a boy and a girl in a competition to earn “kudos” (the so-called points they give each other every day), the application allows each of the partners to understand how pleased the other half is with them. The program also allows you to set goals for your partner (“I want you to learn how to use deodorant”) or for both (“We want to go through a month without fighting”), for which players receive badge points. For a certain number of badges, prizes are assigned, with which partners reward each other and themselves – a romantic dinner or a night of unforgettable passion.


In the era of social networks, when any spoken word instantly becomes the property of dozens of readers, Duet developers decided to return true intimacy to online conversation. Duet is a “secret” that only the two of you can know: a messenger where you can only chat with your loved one. The program partly takes on the task of maintaining relationships – for example, it offers you various options for spending leisure time together – go to the cinema, go skating in the park … It’s even surprising how forgotten the old ways of getting closer have become. Duet also allows you to send short video messages. As the developers promise, in the future it will be possible to create an archive that will store all your correspondence for many years, photo albums with joint photos and any other information related to the history of your relationship.


The ice has broken, ladies and gentlemen of the jury, TheIceBreak mobile application allows you to drive away the cold breath of winter that has blown over your relationship. The application encourages partners to find out each other’s secret thoughts – for example, you can ask each other various intimate questions: what do you dream about, what would you like to try? Some questions for both partners are asked by the application itself. Unfortunately, TheIceBreak only works to its fullest in the US, where users can redeem the points that the app rewards for answering questions they’ve been asked for discounts at restaurants. The program also allows you to evaluate each other according to various parameters – for example, to give a partner points for support in difficult times. And the “Wall” option makes it possible to decorate the joint virtual space with photographs and inscriptions.


This mobile app is the world’s first relationship management platform to take relationships to the next level. Sometimes people can live together for ten years and not really know each other. This problem is what the application tries to fix, offering a set of tools that allow you to see what is going on in the soul of another. So, MoodMeter gives a chance to understand what a partner feels and thinks – the application encourages a young man and a girl from time to time to send each other mini-characteristics of their mood and state. And the DiscoveryGames option gives you the opportunity to compare your partner’s attitude to a particular event with your own. The smart option constantly collects and analyzes statistics – and one day it will tell you in what way you and your partner are similar, and in what ways you are completely different. It is curious that the team that developed Tokii further expanded the scope of its interactive projects: now www.tokii.com has a large number of psychological tests that allow you to find out if you are a good person, where you can find true love and what exactly in life can bring you happiness.

Feel Me

Multimedia technologies have long given the opportunity to see and hear a loved one, even if you are separated by thousands of kilometers. But it was still impossible to feel his touch. Until the Feel Me application finally solved this problem – in real time it displays the points on the smartphone screen that your loved one touches. If you touch these points with your fingers, they will glow, and the smartphone will gently vibrate. And although in reality each of you touches the screen of your own smartphone, there is a feeling of a portal in space – your fingers touched for a moment. It works harder than megabytes of words in online correspondence.

Side roof

Do you think she did the right thing when she made a scene for him for just looking at another girl? And did he behave correctly, deciding to cancel the joint vacation for the sake of the prospect of earning some money for the family? Couples can rarely figure out these contentious issues on their own, and when they become the property of mothers-in-law, great-nephews and second cousins, things get even more confusing – after all, “support groups” usually take the position of those with whom they are more closely related. Relatively impartial in such disputes is not easy to achieve, and this is where Sidetaker can help. This is both an application and a small social network created for it: by publishing their problem on its pages, a couple creates a survey in which all registered users can take part. They not only vote for which partner they think is right, but also give arguments in favor of their choice. True, as noted by those who used this service, taking rubbish out of the hut does not always smooth out a quarrel – sometimes an Internet discussion makes it flare up with renewed vigor.

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