6 mandatory areas for development in human life

Hello! Today we will talk about what 6 spheres of human life exist. Because happiness cannot be achieved if at least one of them is left without attention.

Have you met people who seem to have everything but joy? No amount of money can bring it if his other needs are isolated, if only because he is not aware of them. In the same way with spirituality, if there is not enough money, the person will experience difficulties.



It is in the first place, because, as you know, good health is a guarantee that a person will be active, able to fulfill his life tasks. Therefore, it is important to pay enough attention to it. With constantly accompanying pains or restrictions in movements, you won’t build a career and you won’t establish social ties.

So go in for sports. Physical activity will “give” you endurance, a high level of energy, and even muscle relief, if they are stable.

Watch what you eat. Since many products not only do not benefit our body, but also cause irreparable harm.

Drink only well purified water. Give up sodas, juices that can stand for years and so on.

Yoga, meditation and all sorts of spiritual techniques will help you get in touch with your soul, adjusting the work of all systems and organs directly in the physical body.

Get rid of bad habits, such as smoking, drug use, alcohol and so on. This is a way to harm yourself, to destroy yourself, but not by particularly radical methods, but prolonged, gradually.

Learn how to start a healthy lifestyle in this article.

6 mandatory areas for development in human life

Relationships, both personal and social

Without intimacy, understanding that there are people in this world to whom you are dear and valuable, it is very difficult to live. The family is the support, the foundation on which everything else is built. That is, career, hobbies, friendships, and so on.

Building relationships is really hard work. It is necessary to be able not only to give, but also to take in order to maintain balance, harmony. It is also extremely important to constantly invest in them. Otherwise, they will simply cease to exist in the format that was achieved thanks to persistent mutual efforts.

Moreover, this sphere includes not only relations with a husband or wife, but also with parents, children and other relatives.

And the most difficult thing is that each of us is unique, with some kind of separate life story, experience gained, preferences, outlook on life, priorities and limitations.

Why, despite the feelings of love that have arisen, it is not easy enough to find resources to be near, not to hurt or hurt about a partner, just because he is different and does not understand something, does not look at things the way you do.

Maintaining harmony in the family is not easy, but possible. You really need to constantly listen to both yourself and your loved one, notice him and accept him as he is. Therefore, I want to bring to your attention the whole section “Relationships”, perhaps the information indicated there will help you cope with some difficulties directly in your family, which will allow you to make each of its members happy and calm.

By the way, social connections are also important. That is, relationships with colleagues, friends, acquaintances, and even just sellers in the supermarket, with whom you intersect daily. They give different emotions, new information, experience.

Yes, it is quite possible to peep some ways from other people that help to cope with difficulties, communicate, form contacts. After all, it is thanks to connections that it is easier for us to achieve what we want. Because others can help in those issues that alone will take much longer to deal with.

There is even the term networking, which refers to this ability to acquire useful contacts.

6 mandatory areas for development in human life


If a person does not strive for development, does not want to learn something new, improve and overcome his own limitations, this is very sad. Because, in the end, degradation will overtake him.

And if in simple words, he will begin to lose even the knowledge and skills that he previously possessed. Gradually resembling more of an animal guided by instincts than a rational person.

No matter what level of development you manage to achieve, you can never stop. As they say, there is no limit to perfection. The modern world is full of information, nothing stands still, that’s why it is so important to try to «be on the wave», follow the updates and do not forget about learning different skills.

Let’s say you can read. It’s great and makes life a lot easier. But it will be better if you learn how to do it as quickly as possible, having time to process the received material, assimilate it and put it into long-term memory. Agree, you will start the rest of the tasks thanks to the ability of speed reading to perform much faster, right, right?

Know yourself, because no one else knows you as well as you do. Getting to know your own corners of the personality, you will understand at what moments certain character traits appear, and at what others. What makes you happy or sad. With what you are not yet able to cope, but on the contrary, you can do it with ease. With an emotional intelligence that can be developed, other areas of life will be much easier for you.

In general, what I am telling you, follow this link and engage in your own development, depending on the interests and limitations that you want to cope with. And examples of individuals who understood that it is worth investing in self-development to the fullest. And those who were able to achieve tremendous success, despite the difficulties in life and even the lack of basic or higher education, you will find here.

Career and financial support

The financial side of life should also not be ignored. Otherwise, other areas will suffer. After all, it is difficult to monitor health if there is not enough money for treatment. As well as engage in self-development, not being able to purchase a book, even in electronic form. Build a family, have children and so on.

No matter how anyone treats money, it is, in a sense, security. They provide us with it, as well as comfort.

In addition, if a person is not able to earn enough, her self-esteem falls. Lack of money for needs causes anxiety and anxiety, and as a result, stress and depression.

And becoming a professional for many is a key stage in life. Since there is no respect for oneself when it is not possible to obtain recognition from the outside.

Unfortunately, it happens when a person simply could not find what he does best, what is interesting and inspiring. Then you will agree that it is difficult to reach career heights.

Because the key to professionalism is not only the desire to earn money, but also the ability to enjoy the process of work. When it captures, intrigues, motivates to achieve and further growth. It causes curiosity to try differently, to come up with something new, in general, to experiment.

Check out the “Finance” section if you want to improve your financial situation, but don’t really understand how to do it yet.

6 mandatory areas for development in human life


Taking care of the body, in no case should you forget about the soul. The concept of spirituality usually includes such components as awareness, unconditional love, faith and a sense of inner balance.

Those who are spiritually developed are less susceptible to various diseases. At least because he does not hold back feelings, realizing them and showing them quite adequately according to the situation. He understands the purpose of his own and other people’s actions, the motives of behavior. He pays attention not only to the outer shell of his body, but also to the inner world. Such a person is able to love, appreciate and cherish. Accumulate, share, distribute and dispose of.

Try to read this article, perhaps it will be useful to you in the development of your own spirituality. Or at least explain more clearly what it consists of.


Traveling, hobbies and activities that bring joy, pleasure, can give not only a lot of energy, but also inspire for further achievements. Without replenishing resources, you won’t be able to stay afloat for a very long time.

From fatigue and loss of inspiration, interest even in previously beloved activities, it is quite difficult to show the result.

You can pore over one thing for a long time, without giving yourself the opportunity to breathe out, to pause. And you can, on the contrary, switch attention, relax, do something else. And then in a short period of time to cope even with a particularly difficult task. And all because I managed to gain strength, energy.

So be sure to devote at least half an hour every day to what you love, what brings you joy and happiness, a feeling of satisfaction and fulfillment.


If you want to understand which of the areas needs your attention. What exactly is worth doing in the first place, I offer you a technique called the wheel of life balance. It clearly indicates the strengths and weaknesses. You do not have to calculate the results using complex mathematical formulas and so on.

You simply draw a circle, indicating as spokes those areas that you consider directly valuable to yourself. And then see if this wheel can roll, or if some of its facets are not equivalent enough.

Take care of yourself and be happy!

The material was prepared by a psychologist, Gestalt therapist, Zhuravina Alina

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