6 Jamie Oliver Secrets That Will Turn Any Dish Into A Masterpiece

The popular chef and TV presenter is sure: you can cook at home no worse than in a restaurant.

Indeed, many of the eminent chef’s recipes are easy to repeat if you follow his instructions. And we have collected some of his secrets, thanks to which your culinary skills will reach the next level.

Secret 1: ingenious homemade fries

According to Jamie, making delicious fries is based on three whales – oil, salt and a variety of potatoes. Choose potatoes that are large and ripe. You can fry everything in the old fashioned way in sunflower or olive oil, but Oliver advises gourmets to try using beef fat. This will make the potatoes much tastier.

You need to fry the potatoes in a deep and thick frying pan. Don’t overdo it with butter! Don’t pour more than half of it. By the way, it is best to salt the dish with coarse sea salt.

Secret 2: the perfect steak

Of course, the quality of the meat matters. It is unlikely that it will be possible to cook a masterpiece from frozen pork or beef: nevertheless, manipulations with temperature are not in vain. However, there is another secret: never cook your steak directly from the fridge. The meat should lie at room temperature for at least an hour. If you do not do this, it will turn out to be tougher than it could be.

And if you are a fan of meat with a crispy crust, the chef recommends adding a tablespoon of flour to the pan during frying.

Secret 3: lean fried fish

Salmon steak or flounder, navaga or smelt – in any case, it’s not enough just to choose a good fish, you also need to cook it correctly. Here Jamie Oliver advises to follow this rule: you need to grease with oil not a frying pan, but the fish itself. Not only will you save oil and not go overboard with calories, but you will also be sure that your dinner will not burn or dry out.

Secret 4: real Italian pasta

It seems that it is very easy to prepare the favorite dish of Italians. But in fact, not everyone gets the right paste. To make the pasta perfect, you need to follow a few rules: cook in a large saucepan, always salt the water, add the pasta only after boiling, and in no case cook it under the lid.

By the way, Jamie is convinced that handmade pasta tastes much better than purchased pasta. Everyone can cope with the preparation of the dough, and the result will definitely pay off the effort. Oliver also reminds: any pasta (both from the store and homemade) is ideally complemented by mushroom sauce or tomato sauce with basil.

Secret 5: versatile ingredients

Jamie recommends keeping 5 ingredients on hand at all times: refined olive oil for stewing and frying, extra virgin olive oil (for dressing), red wine vinegar, sea salt, and black pepper. They will become your main helpers and will highlight the taste of any dish.

Secret 6: bright spices

The chef believes that spices and spices are best ground in a mortar. This simple tool has one feature: it is in the mortar that the essential oils are best extracted from all the ingredients. This effect cannot be achieved if you cut the basil or rosemary with a regular knife and grind the pepper in a coffee grinder or mill.

One line

  • If you are allergic to eggs or do not eat them, you can substitute a mixture of 3 tablespoons applesauce and 1 teaspoon flour when baking.

  • The whites are separated from the yolks most quickly if you just fold your palm in a boat and pour the contents of the egg into it.

  • If, during the separation of the whites from the yolks, a piece of shell nevertheless breaks off in the bowl, it is much more effective to catch it not with a spoon or finger, but with one of the empty shells.

  • To get the most of your lemon or lime juice, take your time cutting and squeezing them. Pre-roll the fruit on the table, pressing on it.

  • Everyone treats chili differently. If you are one of those who do not like spicy, do not rush to exclude the ingredient from the dish. To make the pepper less chic, get rid of the kernels and rinse them thoroughly with water – this way you will retain the flavor, but get rid of excess pungency.

By the way

Perfect Oven-Baked Chicken Crispy – Jamie Oliver’s recipe HERE.

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