6 interior details that will make you richer

It’s no secret that the quality of our life is highly dependent on money. But how can you earn more and keep your savings? How to turn your home into a full bowl and find financial freedom? Try to apply the simple techniques of the ancient Vedic teachings of Vastu, and soon the desired money will ring in your pockets.

Vastu is considered an analogue of Chinese feng shui and is widely used by modern interior designers. We have selected some interesting ideas to help you improve your financial situation.

Indoor violets with purple flowers can be a real magnet for attracting wealth. Firstly, their leaves resemble coins, and secondly, purple is considered the color of success and prosperity. Make sure that violets are always healthy and fresh, and the energy of money will always hover in your home. And in the end, it’s just beautiful.

Our grandmothers believed that eating while sitting in front of a mirror was a bad omen. However, the Chinese are of the opposite opinion. A simple mirror in front of the dining table can attract wealth, new opportunities, and financial freedom to your home. The main thing is that dishes with food are reflected in it. Smile in the mirror every time and imagine yourself rich, healthy and beautiful. Do not hang mirrors in front of your front door, bed, or staircase.

Leading from marble in the house also improves the financial well-being of the owners. This can be countertops, floor tiles, steps and figurines – all of which are perfect if you need to increase your income. Products made of pomegranate, jasper, malachite, amber and amazonite also have a positive effect on the well-being.

If you work from home, set the table so that it faces south, place the computer in the upper left corner of the table – this is the area that is responsible for wealth. Put the phone in the upper right corner of the table – it will attract the right partners and clients. To make things go faster and be lucky, try to sit so that there is a wall or screen behind your back. Do not store junk, unnecessary sheets of paper, broken pens, or dull pencils on your desk. Create for yourself a “money” talisman that will stand on the table and help you earn even more: it can be a beautiful piggy bank in which you need to save 10-15 percent of each salary.

A small aquarium with colorful fish can also attract money to your home. Buy 8 goldfish and one black one, place something symbolizing wealth on the bottom (a coin, for example, a decorative treasure chest), and put the aquarium itself in the corner of the room. It will not only help you earn more, but also save your finances. Under no circumstances place the aquarium in the bedroom, otherwise losses cannot be avoided. Monitor the purity of the water, avoiding blooming. Then the monetary energy of your home will always be active.

One of the secrets of a stable prosperity is … a trash can. Yes, you heard right. It must be tightly closed with a lid and hidden from the eyes of guests. Empty the bucket every morning, do not store leftover food in the kitchen for more than a day.

In general, the main principle of Vastu, which should be adhered to, is the maintenance of perfect order in the apartment. Money energy will never come where there is rubbish, broken things and nothing to breathe. Do wet cleaning as often as possible and keep windows open!

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