6 fatal interview mistakes

You are actively looking for a job, but you get rejected and do not understand why. You are obviously missing something important, but what exactly? Doctor of Philosophy, neurologist Berit Brogaard is sure that most tend to make one of six common mistakes.

Successfully passing an interview, beating the competition, is an art that can be mastered. The main thing is to look at yourself from the outside and be aware of the traps that the employer sets for you, and possibly yourself.

1. Stream of consciousness

Usually in an interview we are given the opportunity to talk about past work experience or academic achievements. Your goal is to briefly and clearly convey this information to the employer. Many candidates rely on the interviewer to understand the intricacies of their profession and go into detail.

Avoid professional jargon, incomprehensible terms and abstract reasoning, try to adapt past skills to a potential job. Give examples and recommendations that show how your skills will be useful in the future workplace.

2. False modesty

One of the most common interview questions is: “Name your biggest flaw.” It can also sound like this: “Are there any qualities that you need to work on? What weaknesses would your former boss point out? What difficulties and disappointments did you encounter at your last job?

Nobody likes to show off their Achilles’ heel. Therefore, many answer: “My problem is that I strive for the ideal, but it is unattainable”, “I often work at night to finish the project ahead of schedule”, “I am obsessed with work and insist that subordinates do it well”, trying pass off your best qualities as flaws. But recruiters are used to such tricks. An honest answer is preferable to a blank.

It is better to confess to the employer in an insignificant but real problem.

Of course, it’s better for the employer not to know that you are constantly late, misspelled or quick-tempered, but you can admit to a minor but real problem: “Sometimes it’s hard for me to meet deadlines, but I hope I learned how to manage my time better.”

Another option is to emphasize that you do not meet all the requirements mentioned in the vacancy: “You wrote that you are looking for an employee with serious work experience. I cannot boast of this, but I am still convinced that thanks to my skills I will be able to show worthy results.” Or: “I know that you need a person who is fluent in Spanish. While my level is not that high, but I can keep up a conversation and go to courses.”

3. Unprepared for surprises

You’ve found a job you’re right for, the interview goes like clockwork until you’re offered a task that’s far from your field of work.

Worse in this situation is to pretend that the sea is knee-deep to you, or to sign insolvency. It’s better to emphasize that you don’t have experience specifically in this area, but you use this opportunity as an opportunity to learn something new.

4. Lack of knowledge about the employer

Demonstrate that you have studied the available information about the company or familiarized yourself with its website. The interviewer may ask why you want to work for them. It’s great if you can mention a benefit that hasn’t been mentioned in the interview yet.

If this is not an option, wait until it is your turn to ask questions. Ask about projects or company opportunities that a trained and interested person might be aware of.

5. Lack of a defined image

The interview assumes that you must look professional, this implies business attire. Don’t let your business suit obscure your personality. Avoid a formal approach, don’t be too serious and boring. If the interview is by phone or Skype, highlight key words, keep up the pace of speech and pause after messages that are important to you.

6. Vibes of anxiety

A lot of people get nervous during interviews, it’s natural. Unfortunately, nervousness leads to the fact that we can begin to beat the rhythm with our foot, click the pen, rock in a chair or look at the table. These manifestations can annoy the employer.

To avoid this, try rehearsing the interview with friends or colleagues. They will tell you what you are doing wrong.

About the Developer

Berit Borgaard PhD, neuroscientist, founder of the Multisensory Research Laboratory at the University of Miami, author of The Superhuman Mind: Free the Genius in Your Brain, Hudson Street Press, 2015.

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