6 exercises for big arms

6 exercises for big arms

How to create volume and relief muscles of the arms without increasing the duration of the workouts? Spend 30 minutes on diligent practice and reap the harvest in the form of powerful and beautiful hands!

Author: Matt Biss


I have always been attracted by the power that can be applied in practice. I also love working with people and explaining to them that hard muscle work is often more enjoyable than the aesthetic pleasure of an athletic reflection in a mirror. However, I often encounter a problem that was described by Bob Hoffman. In those distant times, when bodybuilding had not yet formed as an independent sport, its athletes, Olympic weightlifters, were already obsessed with the size and shape of their hands. And instead of fighting a manic obsession with biceps and triceps, I decided to channel this energy in a good direction.

Due to the different lengths and the presence of several points of origin and attachment of the biceps and triceps, you can focus on pumping each head of these muscles by varying the position of the arms and rotation of the hands in the wrist joints.

And since your hands are actively involved in the work performed by the upper body, you only need to adjust your actions a little, and the shapeless piles of muscles will turn into embossed jackhammers!

Half Hour Hand Strength Workout

With this complex, you will learn how to use a variety of techniques and tricks to create powerful and evenly developed arms. We will perform three pairs of exercises, forming supersets from approaches for biceps and triceps.

Let’s start with the hard work with heavy weights, and then smoothly move on to multi-repetition training to force maximum hypertrophy. Training will not take much of your time, but it will give you a powerful impetus for the growth of volume and the formation of the relief of the biceps and triceps.

Push-ups on the bars

Training program

Superset 1:
4 approach to 5 repetitions
For me, there is no better exercise for building massive and strong triceps than the JM bench press. This movement is often used by powerlifters to transform the jelly-like semblance of muscles into concrete extensors that Optimus Prime himself would envy. Do five reps and go straight to the pull-ups. Then, after resting properly, add weight and repeat the superset. Continue to increase the weight with each set to make your final set go to hell.
4 approach to 5 repetitions
This is primarily an exercise for the back, but electromyography shows that the reverse grip puts a serious strain on the biceps, which falls mainly on the short head. You can use the straps for support or, alternatively, put on a sports belt and add weight.
Superset 2:
3 approach to 10 repetitions
When done right, dips are a great way to develop strong triceps. Ideally, you should use V-bars, which allow you to vary the width of the grip, but you can work with whatever is at hand. To make the push-ups as effective as possible, you will need extra stress. To do this, hold dumbbells between your legs, use an expander or sports belt. And take care of your shoulders – do not let them sink below your elbows.
3 approach to 10 repetitions
By using the reverse grip, you make the long bicep head work a little easier. (You can test: bend your right arm at a 90 ° angle and place your left palm on your right bicep. Now rotate the hand and notice how the muscle tension changes). By doing the reverse grip curls, you boost the growth of the brachialis and brachioradialis muscles, and you know that every bodybuilder dreams of having a powerful brachialis muscle protruding from under a strong biceps.
Superset 3:
3 approach to 15 repetitions
The French bench press works best on the long head. You can increase the range of motion by performing the exercise unilaterally (with one hand). It also reduces the risk of elbow pain.
3 approach to 15 repetitions
In the starting position, the arms are located behind the plane of the torso, and this stretches the long head of the biceps and creates an additional load on it. Since the biceps are also involved in the rotation of the hand, I prefer to start with a hammer grip and expand the hand as I move.

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