6 egg diet options

Nowadays, not everyone manages to eat right. Modern life takes place in a very energetic rhythm, which makes people resort to the services of fast food establishments, and this inevitably leads to a set of extra pounds. To eliminate such undesirable effects, a large number of diets have been developed, and one of the most common of them is the egg diet.

For a long time, experts argued about the harm and benefits of eggs for human health. Opponents of the egg diet focused on the high cholesterol content in this product, but recent studies have shown that eggs are very beneficial for the body and have many valuable properties. The cholesterol they contain is not as harmful to health as previously thought. Eggs contain vitamin K and vitamins of groups A, E, D and B, in addition to iron, calcium and other useful minerals. It is also worth noting the content of lecithin in them, which contributes to good brain function and memory improvement.

Eggs have another very important property that allows them to be used in diets – they have a low calorie content. One egg contains only about 100 kilocalories. Recent studies have shown that you can significantly reduce your appetite during the day if you eat eggs in the morning. There are many variations of the egg diet. The simplest of them is the use of any number of eggs for three days, if desired, you can also add some fruits or vegetable salads to the menu.

Fats, flour products and any sweets are excluded with such a diet, and coffee and tea are replaced with water. The egg diet is tolerated quite easily, but prolonged use of it can lead to a deterioration in mood and muscle weakness, which is typical for almost all low-carbohydrate diets. Therefore, its duration should not exceed 3-4 days, during which you can lose 4 kilograms.

Professor Osama Hamdy’s Egg Diet

This method of losing weight is not based on low-calorie food and not on starvation, it relies on the chemical reactions taking place in the human body. It should be remembered that this is a very strict diet, in which it is strictly not allowed to change products in places or replace them.

It also provides for a number of rules: the use of fats and oils is excluded, tea and coffee should be drunk without adding sugar, it is allowed to drink no more than one can of a diet drink per day. The interval between meals should be two hours (if you are very hungry, you can have a bite of carrots or cucumbers). Vegetables are boiled exclusively in water without adding meat to the broth. At the same time, you should drink at least 2,5 liters of pure water per day, you do not need to take additional vitamins, any fruits are allowed, except for dates, bananas, grapes, figs, mangoes.

Physical exercise will help you lose weight and speed up the process. The Osama Hamdiy diet course lasts four weeks, and the menu for each of them has its own characteristics.

Days of the week


I week

II week

III week

IV Sunday



half grapefruit or orange, 2 boiled eggs

boiled eggs – 2 pcs., half a grapefruit or orange

mono-diet – fruit day

a set of products for the day – 200 g of boiled chicken fillet, 1 grapefruit and orange, 200 g of fish (boiled), fresh vegetable salad


allowed fruits in any quantity

boiled eggs – 2 pcs. + vegetable salad


boiled lean meat

Boiled eggs 2 pcs. + 1 grapefruit



half grapefruit or orange, 2 boiled eggs

boiled eggs – 2 pcs., half a grapefruit or orange

mono-diet – vegetable day (fresh vegetables)

daily food set – 2 whole grain toasts, 4 fruits of your choice, cucumber and tomato salad


chicken fillet cooked without salt

lettuce, grilled fish or meat


Boiled eggs 2 pcs. + vegetable salad

Boiled eggs 2 pcs. + 1 grapefruit



half grapefruit or orange, 2 boiled eggs

boiled eggs – 2 pcs., half a grapefruit or orange

mono-diet – fruit or vegetable day (boiled vegetables)

a set of products for the day – 2 toasts, 2 grapefruits and oranges, fat-free cottage cheese – 100 g, boiled vegetables 200 g, 2 tomatoes


2 tomatoes, whole grain toast, some cheese

lettuce, grilled fish or meat


meat (boiled)

Boiled eggs 2 pcs. + 1 grapefruit



half grapefruit or orange, 2 boiled eggs

boiled eggs – 2 pcs., half a grapefruit or orange

fish day + leafy vegetable salad

a set of products for the day – boiled chicken fillet, salad of 2 tomatoes and 2 cucumbers, 1 grapefruit and orange


non-forbidden fruits (as many as you like)

boiled eggs (2 pcs.) and vegetables, a piece of cheese


grilled vegetable salad and meat

two boiled eggs



half grapefruit or orange, 2 boiled eggs

boiled eggs – 2 pcs., half a grapefruit or orange

mono-diet – boiled chicken meat

a set of products for the day – a vegetable salad of tomatoes, leafy vegetables and cucumbers, 2 boiled eggs, grapefruit


vegetable salad and two boiled eggs

fish or seafood (boiled or grilled)


two tomatoes, steamed or grilled fish, grapefruit (one hour after eating)

two boiled eggs



half grapefruit or orange, 2 boiled eggs

boiled eggs – 2 pcs., half a grapefruit or orange

mono-diet – fruit day (one type of fruit to choose from)

a set of products for the day – whole grain toast, 100 g of cheese or low-fat cottage cheese, 1 cucumber, 200 g of boiled chicken fillet


allowed fruits in any quantity

leaf lettuce, grilled lean meat, grapefruit (one hour after eating)


vegetable salad of leafy vegetables and grilled lean meat

any permitted fruits



half grapefruit or orange, 2 boiled eggs

boiled eggs – 2 pcs., half a grapefruit or orange

mono-diet – fruit day (one type of fruit to choose from)

a set of products for the day – 2 tomatoes, 1 grapefruit and orange, vegetables – 200 g, boiled fish – 150 g, 1 whole grain toast


fresh vegetable salad, boiled chicken fillet

two fresh tomatoes, boiled chicken fillet, grapefruit (one hour after eating)


any boiled vegetables except potatoes

Egg diet for 7 days

Using this diet, you can easily lose up to ten kilograms of excess weight. At the same time, you will fully restore the reserves of minerals and vitamins washed out of the body. The egg will help improve all metabolic processes in the body and create a feeling of satiety. The use of citrus fruits in the diet will prolong this feeling for a long time and will make you less hungry.

Days of the week


Name of dishes



boiled eggs – 2 pcs., 1 grapefruit, green tea – 1 glass


150 g boiled chicken fillet with salt, boiled egg – 1 pc., orange – 1 pc.


200 g boiled chicken fillet with salt (without skin), a glass of kefir



1 cup citrus juice, 2 boiled eggs


150 g stewed or boiled chicken fillet with salt (no skin), 2 oranges, a glass of clean water


A glass of milk, 2 boiled eggs, grapefruit



Boiled egg, a glass of water with the addition of a teaspoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice


200 g boiled meat (veal or beef), grapefruit


A glass of mineral water, 2 boiled eggs



Three egg omelet with herbs and salt (parsley, dill, green onions) – unlimited amount of herbs


Stewed or boiled chicken legs (without skin) with salt, weighing no more than 150 g. Lettuce


A glass of clean water, a boiled egg, 2 grapefruits



Salad of two boiled eggs, small boiled carrots, a tablespoon of low-fat sour cream. Cut the egg and carrots, add greens, salt.


A glass of orange juice, 2 fresh carrots


100 g stewed or boiled sea fish, sprinkled with a teaspoon of lemon juice, a glass of mineral water, boiled egg



150 g of cottage cheese (low-fat), a glass of citrus juice


2 boiled eggs, XNUMX grapefruits


Mineral water in any quantity



Two boiled eggs, half a small grapefruit,


1 orange, 200 g of boiled meat (veal or beef)


Mineral water (unlimited)

While following the seven-day egg diet, it is recommended to drink alkaline mineral water. Alkali is able to neutralize excess acid in the stomach, accumulated as a result of eating a large amount of citrus fruits. Sports activities are also encouraged. It is best to leave the egg diet gradually, that is, continue to eat oranges, grapefruits, cottage cheese, but in smaller quantities. This will help to significantly reduce stress for the body and maintain the results achieved longer.

Egg diet for 2 weeks

The main component of the menu of this diet are eggs, although grapefruits also play an important role. They are able to break down fats in the body and thereby cause a high rate of weight loss. The two-week egg diet involves three regular meals a day. It is strictly forbidden to eat any food in the intervals between the main meals. The place of dinner in this diet is occupied by a second breakfast. It should be remembered that eating after 19.00 is prohibited, and since dinner is not provided, then lunch should not be later than this time.

Days of the week


Name of dishes


1nd breakfast

Black coffee, two eggs, grapefruit

2nd breakfast

Tomato, tea (herbal), two eggs


Vinaigrette without added oil, 2 eggs, herbal tea or grapefruit


1nd breakfast

Black coffee, two eggs, grapefruit

2nd breakfast

Two eggs, grapefruit


Tomato, cucumber, celery, lettuce, lean meat


1nd breakfast

Black coffee, grapefruit, two eggs

2nd breakfast

Tea, spinach, two eggs


Cabbage, cottage cheese, herbal tea, two eggs, beets


1nd breakfast

Two eggs, black coffee, grapefruit

2nd breakfast

Spinach, coffee, two eggs


Vinaigrette, fish, coffee


1nd breakfast

Black coffee, two eggs, grapefruit

2nd breakfast

Coffee, 2 eggs, spinach


Fish, vinaigrette, cabbage, coffee


1nd breakfast

Black coffee, two eggs, grapefruit

2nd breakfast

Fruit salad


Celery, steak, lettuce, cucumber, tomato, coffee


1nd breakfast

Black coffee, two eggs, grapefruit

2nd breakfast

Tomato, grapefruit, cold chicken


Cabbage, carrot, tomato, chicken coffee

The second week is no different from the first. Following a two-week egg diet, you will feel full, but there may be some troubles in the form of fatigue, irritability, weakness, which is typical for many low-carb diets. It is not recommended to follow such a diet for more than two weeks. Not earlier than in three months it can be repeated.

Egg and orange diet

Many experts advise the egg-orange diet for people who are overweight and have impaired metabolism. Its basis, as you might guess, is oranges filled with vitamin C and many useful minerals, and eggs, which are an easily digestible and low-calorie product. In addition, oranges contain pectin, which promotes proper digestion and suppresses the processes of decay in the intestines.

This diet has earned its reputation in those days when oranges were in short supply in Europe. Now there are no problems with them, and many people, including celebrities, use this method of losing weight. Eggs with oranges complement each other perfectly, and the combination of trace elements contained in them allows you to achieve excellent results.

During the egg-orange diet, you need to eat five times a day, eating one and a half oranges and two hard-boiled eggs at each meal. It is advisable to drink clean and non-carbonated water. In the second week of the diet, fiber-rich vegetables and fresh fruits should be added to the diet. The number of oranges eaten per day should not exceed one kilogram.

It is impossible to continue the egg-orange diet for more than two weeks, in which case the body will lack animal proteins. Instead of body fat, muscle mass will begin to leave, and this will have a bad effect on health. After a month of good nutrition, the diet can be repeated. You need to get out of it gradually, including juices, fruit purees, boiled chicken meat in the diet.

Egg-curd diet

Since honey is included in the menu of the egg-curd diet, it is perfect for people who cannot imagine their life without sweets. At the same time, this is a rather strict diet, which is recommended to be followed for no more than three days, during which you can lose about three kilograms of excess weight. The breakfast of the first day should consist of a cup of coffee or tea, as well as a cocktail made from two chicken eggs and a small spoon of honey. The cocktail is whipped with a mixer.

For lunch, you can eat a small piece of low-fat cheese and drink a cup of tea with honey. Bread toast, your favorite fruit, and vegetable lean soup will make dinner. Breakfast on the second day is exactly the same as the first. Lunch should include a small portion of low-fat cottage cheese, a cup of tea without sugar, and a smoothie of eggs and honey. For dinner, you should eat lean meat or fish, vegetable salad dressed with vegetable oil and drink a cup of tea.

On the third day, breakfast will consist of the following dishes: a cup of black coffee, a fresh green apple, a cocktail of honey and eggs. The lunch ration includes a piece of low-fat cheese, bran bread toast and a vegetable salad seasoned with vegetable oil. It is also recommended to add a little lemon juice to the salad. For dinner, eat steamed vegetables, a hard-boiled egg, and a cup of tea.

Before using the egg-curd diet, you should consult a doctor or nutritionist. It is contraindicated in people with problems of the gastrointestinal tract and some other diseases. Tiring sports should also be postponed for this time, it is better to replace them with walks and light jogging.

Egg-honey diet

A mixture of honey and egg yolk contains a significant amount of minerals and vitamins, as well as healthy carbohydrates and proteins. Also, with an egg-honey diet, it is useful to eat half a lemon a day, which will provide the body with additional energy and speed up fat burning. This diet is not much different from many very low calorie diets.

The menu of the first day is as follows: breakfast – coffee with lemon or tea, a couple of egg yolks whipped with a mixer with a teaspoon of honey; lunch – coffee with honey or tea, 90 g of cheese; dinner – an apple, black bread, a cup of broth. At night, drink tea with lemon. The diet of the second day includes the following dishes: breakfast – tea with lemon or coffee, a mixture of honey and an egg; lunch – honey with an egg, a little cottage cheese, coffee or tea with lemon; dinner – tea with lemon, fresh vegetable salad, 150 g of poultry or fish.

Menu of the third day: breakfast – tea with lemon, apple, honey with egg; lunch – rye bread, a little cheese (50 g), salad poured with lemon juice (200 g). Dinner – tea with honey, an egg, 300 g of boiled vegetables (but not starchy). Compliance with the egg-honey diet will allow you to lose up to 4 kilograms.

Reviews and results of the egg diet

Nutritionists agree that it is impossible to stick to an egg diet for a long time, because with excessive protein intake, the liver and kidneys are heavily stressed. Among other things, in such a diet there is a clear lack of fat. If you strictly observe all the deadlines, then you can achieve good results. In addition, eggs have a large amount of amino acids, minerals and vitamins necessary for the full functioning of the human body.

Anna: in three days on an egg diet, she threw off as many as four kilograms, at first she herself did not believe it!

Yuliya: a few years ago, before the holidays, I tried the egg diet, lost eight kilograms in four weeks, after leaving the diet I lost another 4 kg.

Albina: for some reason I’m afraid to go on this diet again, the last time I first threw off a few kilograms, but then I also quickly gained them.

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