6 easy tips to make your baby laugh out loud

Make Baby laugh, child’s play!

The laughter of a baby is a ray of sunshine, a pure happiness that we never tire of. Funny faces, tickles, puppets… discover some easy ways to make your little one totally hilarious. And find other tips in the excellent guide “97 ways to make babies laugh”,. Let’s go for fun sessions! Because as the author of the book, Jack Moore says: “Every time a baby laughs, all of humanity rejoices. “

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    Daddy sleeps

    Dad is lying on the floor, pretending to sleep, snoring excruciatingly. Every time Baby on

    touches, he sits down, looking bewildered.

    Caution : knowing that Baby is unable to recognize a false sleep from a real one, dad can therefore give up

    definitely to his little digestive naps.

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    The “foul-smelling foot”

    In the “old recipe, maximum efficiency” series: bring your nose to Baby’s foot, make an abominable face while saying with one voice

    high perched “Berk, berk, berk”.

    Note: saying “Berk, berk, berk” while pinching your nose always makes you laugh. No one knows why.

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    The pacifier gag

    With a string, hang Baby’s pacifier on your forehead and walk around the room, pretending not to find it again.

    He will be laughing out loud.

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    Funny ears

    Put your thumbs in your ears and look Baby straight in the face. Therefore, two options are possible: shake the fingers in all directions or open and close the hands alternately. Of course, choose what makes him laugh the most.

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    The kiss-prout

    Moisten your lips and stick them against Baby’s arm or tummy. Then breathe gently to produce a vibrating tickling sensation. It goes without saying that

    the louder and more unsightly the sound produced by your mouth, the more successful you will be.

    Note: When all else fails, this old trick is still a sure laugh insurance.

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    A completely crazy choreography

    Tie shoes to the end of two brooms. Move them to the rhythm so that they perform an original little dance for Baby.

    Suggestions: try tap dancing or French Cancan.

    Note: Baby boots will do, but it’s funnier with Grandpa’s huge brown brogues

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    Other tips …

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