Excellent taste, availability and spectacular presentation made sambuca a hit at youth parties. Now Italian anise liqueur can be found on the menu of all respected establishments. Gradually, the culture of its use migrated to our homes, firmly entrenched here. I will tell you how to drink sambuca in different ways, revealing all the facets of this amazing drink.
1. Italian way (“with flies”)
Classic submission. “Flies” are called three coffee beans, which symbolize health, wealth and happiness. You will need: sambuca, two glasses, coffee beans, cocktail tubes, paper napkins and matches (lighter).
- Throw three coffee beans into the first of the glasses and pour 50-70 ml of sambuca into it.
- Make a hole in the center of the paper napkin by inserting a cocktail tube into it with the short end (from the side of the bend). In order not to stain the table, I advise you to put this design on a small saucer.
- Ignite the sambuca with a match or lighter. Due to its high strength, the liquor is highly flammable. Sambuca should burn with a blue flame for 5-10 seconds.
- Pour the flaming drink into the second glass, and first cover it on top. When the fire goes out, the first glass in which the vapors have gathered is very carefully transferred to a napkin.
- First, drink sambuca from a glass in one gulp, holding the coffee beans in your mouth, then take a few deep breaths through the straw and chew the coffee. The procedure is repeated for the desired number of times.

2. Two glasses
The method is shown in the video. It differs from the Italian counterpart only in the absence of coffee and in the fact that before lighting the sambuca, the glass is slightly heated with a lighter. Doing all this at home is not difficult.
3. Pure
Sambuca is an excellent digestif – a dessert drink served at the end of a feast with sweet dishes, coffee and fruits. But before drinking sambuca in its pure form, it must be well cooled by placing the bottle in the freezer for 20-30 minutes.
4. Burning stack
The favorite way of many Russians, as it requires a minimum of body movements and is somewhat reminiscent of the culture of drinking vodka. It is enough to pour sambuca into a pile, set it on fire and let it burn for 5-8 seconds. Next, extinguish the liquor with one strong exhalation and drink in one gulp while it is hot.
5. Sambuca with mineral water
In the heat, you can drink sambuca diluted with cold mineral water in a ratio of 1:2 or 1:3 (one part of liquor to two or three parts of mineral water).
Diluted sambuca has a slight anise flavor. Immediately after adding water, it becomes cloudy. This is normal and does not affect the taste. It’s all about the high concentration of essential oils, poorly soluble in water.
6. Sambuca with milk
Some connoisseurs like to drink sambuca with fresh cold milk. I advise you to try.

General tips:
- before drinking sambuca, it is better to have a hearty meal;
- for the first time it is very difficult to inhale vapors, but after several trainings it will become much easier;
- in reasonable quantities, sambuca does not cause a hangover and fumes; the next day after drinking it, you can work or study normally.