6 best remedies for nail fungus

*Overview of the best according to the editors of Healthy Food Near Me. About selection criteria. This material is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

It is very difficult to deal with mushrooms – these “unwanted guests” on the human body, and for quite objective reasons. For example, mushrooms are neither plants nor animals, they constitute a separate kingdom. Mushrooms can grow in polar deserts and on bare rocks. Thus, the scale lichen colonies found in Greenland have existed for more than 4 thousand years, adding annually several tenths of a millimeter to the size of their colony.

There are even predatory mushrooms in the world, however, at a microscopic level. They can instantly capture and grow inside worms – nematodes that inadvertently crawled too close. And as for the saprophytic properties (destruction of dead organic residues), fungi have no equal at all. The only bad thing is that the fungal food item is not always located separately from the person. So, fungi that feed on keratin may well settle in the rough and cracked skin of the heels, then moving on to delicate skin. This will be an imperceptible transition from saprophytic growth to real parasitism.

These parasites include fungi that live in humans on the skin of the legs and in the depths of the nail plates. In the event that the fungus parasitizes on the skin, then the disease is called dermatomycosis, and if the nail is affected, then they talk about onychomycosis. It must be remembered that healthy nails are not subject to fungi. Onychomycosis spreads only if the nail is injured, if part of it is destroyed, if there is a hemorrhage under the nail plate, and cavities and channels have formed in it, for which the mycelium of the fungus can “catch”. Also, the cause may be an increased content of carbon dioxide, for example in the same closed shoes, which helps the growth of the fungus. Contributes to the appearance of onychomycosis and maceration of the surrounding skin. And treating onychomycosis is always more difficult than skin fungus. And why?

Why do fungal infections and onychomycosis of the feet need to be treated for a long time?

It all depends on the environment. For example, in conditions of semi-deserts and deserts, the local population has a lot of diseases. Most often they are associated with dry air (conjunctivitis), and with a lack of drinking water, its poor quality. But the problem of foot and nail fungus is not as acute for the inhabitants of this climate as it is for the population of middle and high latitudes. Almost year-round dryness, heat, high levels of solar radiation either destroy pathogenic fungi or make life difficult for them.

And in the conditions of a modern city, especially in winter, fungi feel great on the skin of the feet, and especially in the thickness of the nail plate. Autumn, those people who believe that onychomycosis always exists on top of the nail are greatly mistaken, and the fungus can simply be “erased”. From above, the infection penetrates into the nail, and the mycelium, which is very undemanding to the presence of oxygen, quietly exists in the depths of the nail plate. The following factors contribute to the rapid growth of the fungus:

  1. warm. A person always wears shoes, and winter shoes are the warmest, especially if they are not removed indoors;

  2. humidity. This is very important for the growth of fungi. The ideal humidity is in shoes that “do not breathe”: these are rubber, artificial leather;

  3. darkness and complete absence of the sun;

  4. the presence of a large amount of food – first the dead epidermis, and then – the living keratin that makes up the nails.

In the event that it is a foot fungus, it can be a large amount of keratinized and not removed tissues, and in the case of onychomycosis, this is the nail plate itself. At the same time, the fungus in the thickness of the toenail in winter exists simply in “paradise” conditions.

This leads to its growth, and, in the event that more than 2/3 of the area of ​​uXNUMXbuXNUMXbthe nail plate is affected by the fungus, then general changes occur. The nail has long lost its elasticity and luster, and now it has begun to become cloudy, thicken and crumble, acquiring an unpleasant dirty yellow tint.

This means that the time has come to be treated, and now only the complete removal of the nail plate can save. And treatment with a running form will be long – until a healthy nail fully grows. And in the event that it is a thumb, this process can take from six months to a year.

But we will talk about how to treat a running process below, and now we will list those drugs that will help cope with nail fungus in the initial stages of the disease. Then there is only a small spot, surrounded by healthy (still) and elastic tissue of the nail, which has a specific pink color and a slight matte transparency.

First of all, the treatment must be “targeted”. Do not be too lazy to go to a dermatologist, or to a mycological room, which exists at every major skin and venereal dispensary. First, you need to submit for analysis the scraping of the substance from under the edge of the nail plate, and the scraping from the spot, if it is not on the edge. And only after the mycelium of the fungus (or even spores) has been isolated, which indicates its reproduction, treatment can begin.

Is it possible to start treating onychomycosis with folk methods?

Absolutely impossible. It is possible to start treatment with folk methods (and then under the control of mycological research) only in the early stages of mycosis of the skin of the feet, when the fungus is on the surface, and therefore more vulnerable. The fungus that lives in the thickness of the nail is reliably “covered” from the effects of apple cider vinegar, potassium permanganate and other local remedies.

The modern strategy for the treatment of nail fungus consists of 6 positions:

  1. topical fungicides such as varnishes, liquids and patches;

  2. scalling, or removal of the affected nail plate, if we are dealing with a running fungus;

  3. the use of drugs, or systemic antimycotics inside;

  4. treatment of concomitant diseases that reduce immunity, such as alcoholism, diabetes mellitus, endarteritis obliterans, chronic venous insufficiency and varicose veins


In general, chronic vascular pathology impairs microcirculation, which facilitates the settlement of the fungus along with a decrease in immunity.

In some cases, supportive therapy is also required, and combined, but we will not talk about the last two methods of treatment here: this is the lot of dermatologists. Therefore, we will talk about the use of local preparations, fungicides for oral administration and talk about the removal of the nail plate. In the event that the fungus has affected more than 2/3 of the area of ​​uXNUMXbuXNUMXbthe nail plate, then the nail must be removed. After that, the healing process will go much faster: the fungi will have nowhere to hide. How to do it?

How to remove the nail and cure the neglected form?

Therefore, before removing the nail plate (do not be afraid, no one will pull it out for you in the surgeon’s office, you will do it yourself at home), positive test results for fungi and an appointment with a dermatologist should be ready. It is the dermatologist who determines the severity of the lesion, and decides on the need to completely remove the toenail, if the preservation of the plate is no longer possible, and it is completely (or almost completely) destroyed.

It is necessary to remove the record not only because it will not be restored. This is necessary because we are depriving the fungus of its cover by removing the remnants of the nail and all that crumbly mass that has accumulated under it. After that, the treatment will be much faster and more effective.

To remove the nail, a chemical method is used. A pharmacy buys potassium iodide in the form of an ointment, which is able to react with the substance of the nail and contribute to its death. After that:

  1. at night, a warm foot soapy-soda bath is made for the foot, and after the bath, all excess remnants of the nail are carefully bitten off;

  2. the nail is smeared with potassium iodide ointment, you should try not to smear the skin;

  3. after that, the finger is wrapped in tracing paper, parchment, tied with a thread, and a fingertip or sock is put on top;

  4. in the morning the ointment is removed and the foot is washed;

  5. in the evening you need to repeat everything.

This is done every evening, and soon the nail will begin to swing, and then completely fall off by itself. This usually happens after a week, maximum – after two, if we are talking about a thick nail of the big toe.

After that, a soap and soda bath is carried out, and the surface that was hidden under the nail is thoroughly cleaned with a brush. And now you need to apply the selected varnish every day, according to the scheme, until the new nail completely grows. We turn to the description of local remedies for the treatment of onychomycosis!

Rating of the best remedies for the treatment of onychomycosis, or fungus on the legs

Nomination Place Name Price
Modern remedies for the treatment of nail fungus      1 Naftifine (Exoderil, Mycoderil, Exostat) liquid      1 300 ₽
     2 Cyclopirox (Batrafen) fungicidal varnish      1 600 ₽
     3 Amorolfine (Lotseril, Oflomil) fungicidal varnish      706 ₽
     4 Metanal, formic aldehyde (Demikten), fungicidal varnish … do not buy!      200 ₽
Tablets from fungi with onychomycosis      1 Itraconazole (Orungal, Irunin, Itrazol, Canditral, Orungamine, Orunit, Rumikoz)      695 ₽
     2 Fluconazole (Diflucan, Mycosyst)      2 150 ₽

Modern remedies for the treatment of nail fungus

When purchasing varnish, remember – you start a “long and protracted” war. Most likely, you will have to purchase more than one bottle. It is unlikely that something will work out if you hope that everything will be limited to a couple or three applications. You need to act methodically and according to instructions. Fungal varnishes are always expensive, but they are really effective when used correctly, and cannot be compared in terms of effectiveness with vitriol. Sometimes, instead of varnish, you can buy a special liquid that penetrates deep into the nail and kills the fungus.

In the vast majority of cases, modern remedies for the treatment of onychomycosis are varnishes and liquids, but in some cases they should be supplemented with the use of systemic antimycotics, that is, tablets and capsules from fungi. Below are modern popular products, their prices are relevant for April 2020 for pharmacies of all forms of ownership in the Russian Federation. There are not so many drugs, so they are all included in this list.

Naftifine (Exoderil, Mycoderil, Exostat) liquid

Rating: 4.9

One of the most commonly used drugs for onychomycosis is Exoderil, in the form of a 1% solution of naftifine for external use. Exoderil is produced by Sandoz, Austria, and 10 ml of solution will cost from 550 to 600 rubles. But since the fight against the fungus will be long, you can buy a large bottle, with a volume of 30 ml, which will cost from 1200 to 1500 rubles. There are also domestic counterparts. Mycoderil by Pharmstandard and Exostat by Vertex. But at a price they are only slightly inferior to the original Exoderil. Their bottles of the same volume of 10 ml will cost, respectively, 300-450 rubles. and 380-430 rubles. If you add another 200 rubles. for such prices, it is quite possible to purchase the original drug, and this is best. How does Exoderil work, and how to use it?

Exoderil is sold in dark glass bottles, contains naftifine hydrochloride and additionally propylene glycol, ethyl alcohol and water. The active substance inhibits the fungal enzyme squalene epoxidase, as a result, the synthesis of ergosterol decreases, and it is needed for the construction of the cell wall of the fungus. Exoderil is active in onychomycosis caused by dermatophytes, trichophytes, epidermophytes, microspores, yeast fungi, and various types of mold. Additionally, the drug produces an anti-inflammatory effect, and quickly reduces the symptoms of itching and inflammation. In addition to the treatment of onychomycosis, it can also be used to treat fungal infections of the skin, skin folds, interdigital spaces.

How to use it for nail damage? Before the first application of the solution, it is necessary to remove the affected, dull and crumbling part of the nail as much as possible, using special scissors for this, which are then disinfected, and a small nail file, preferably disposable, in which the abrasive is applied to cardboard. After that, a new file is taken, and the affected nail is slightly polished along its surface so that it becomes rougher and more medicine is absorbed. Exoderil is applied or dripped onto the nail twice a day and the treatment lasts up to 6 months.

Advantages and disadvantages

A significant disadvantage of Exoderil is the need to care for the affected nail twice a day, use disposable nail files, and also go for sufficient funds. On the other hand, if the drug is applied correctly and without gaps, then, at an inexpensive price and high efficiency, in six months it will cope with onychomycosis on the legs, and on the hands, where the speed of the nails is higher, and in 3 months.

Cyclopirox (Batrafen) fungicidal varnish

Rating: 4.8

Fungicidal varnish Batrafen is one of the best remedies for the local treatment of onychomycosis. It has no domestic analogues, and it is produced in Germany, by a division of Sanofi-Aventis. This is the most expensive of all topical treatments for nail fungus. One small bottle of 3 ml containing an 8% solution of ciclopirox will cost you from 2200 to 3000 rubles, depending on the pharmacy chain. Why is it so good and why is it so expensive?

Cyclopirox destroys more than 50 species of various fungi, and the mechanism of action is the complete “locking” of the metabolism of the fungal cell, in which it is completely deprived of communication with the outside world. Nothing enters the cell of the fungus, and nothing comes out of the cells of the fungus either.

How to apply varnish? As in the previous case, before the first application, you need to remove the affected part of the nail as much as possible, and also file the nail over the entire surface with a disposable nail file to create a rough and matte area. It should cover the entire nail, and serves for better adhesion of the varnish to the surface.

After that, the varnish is applied, like a regular cosmetic varnish on the nail, according to the following scheme:

  1. once a day every other day during the first month of treatment;

  2. in the second month of treatment, the varnish is applied twice a week;

  3. It is easiest for the patient in the third and subsequent months of treatment: the varnish is applied only once a week.

Regardless of the month of treatment, weekly, for example, on Saturday or Sunday, the varnish must be removed using a common solvent that can be bought at a cosmetic store. You can do without a solvent, make a warm bath on your finger, and then scrape off the varnish. After that, you need to again remove the growing part of the nail, clean the nail again, make it rough, and apply varnish according to the scheme. As in the previous case, the duration of treatment should not exceed six months.

Advantages and disadvantages

This varnish is contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women, it is not used for children under 10 years of age. Very rarely, skin irritation, hyperemia and peeling occur near the nail. Perhaps the rather high price of this product will be a negative point, but a small package of 3 ml of varnish may well be enough for the entire course of treatment of six months, if we are talking, for example, about a nail lesion on one finger, which is very beneficial. After 3 months of varnish treatment, very little is consumed, and the only inconvenience is the weekly necessary nail treatment and removal of old varnish. But this minus is also a plus, because it disciplines the patient.

At the end of the article, it will be said what additional methods of prevention should be used, and against this background, the weekly toilet of the affected nail plate will seem insignificant. In addition, it should be borne in mind that Batrafen varnish is capable of destroying a very large number of various pathogens, and in addition, it has an antibacterial effect against most microbes that can also be introduced into a nail affected by a fungus.

Amorolfine (Lotseril, Oflomil) fungicidal varnish

Rating: 4.8

Loceryl is another modern antifungal varnish, and it costs less than Batrafen. A 2,5 ml bottle containing a 5% solution of amorolfine will cost from about 550 to 800 rubles. Lotseril is produced by the Galderma Laboratory company from France. There is its Indian counterpart, which is produced by Glenmark, and is called Oflomil, it costs a little less.

As a matter of fact, this is not even just a varnish, but a whole set. The kit includes 6 applicators, with spatulas for applying varnish, 12 disposable nail files, and 12 sachets with cleansing swabs. Lotseril destroys pathogenic fungi, damaging their membrane and disrupting the biosynthesis of ergosterol. Loceryl is highly active against many of the most common pathogens of onychomycosis. After application to the nail plate, in 24 hours it penetrates through it and enters the nail bed. Even after a single application, the effective fungicidal concentration in the depth of the nail bed remains for 10 days. How to use Loceryl?

As in previous cases, you first need to completely remove the affected areas of the nail, using scissors and a nail file. After that, with a swab that is moistened with alcohol, the nail is cleaned and degreased. The attached applicator with a spatula is lowered into the bottle, the excess varnish is not shaken off the applicator, and the varnish is applied to the nail. After that, the varnish dries within 3 minutes. Naturally, if several nails are affected, then this procedure is repeated for each nail. After that, the applicator with which the varnish was applied is wiped with an alcohol swab that has already been used to clean the nail. The applicator can be reused and the used swab should be discarded. The varnish should be tightly closed, and after drying, you should wash your hands thoroughly. The average duration of treatment is about 6 months for fingernails and up to a year for toenails. Repeat a similar procedure for the affected nails at first, twice a week, and then once a week, as recommended by a dermatologist.

Advantages and disadvantages

It can be seen that this varnish brings more trouble to its owners than Batrafen. Because regardless of the duration of treatment, you need to repeat this procedure weekly, and in some cases twice a week. If nail polish applicators wiped with alcohol can be used during the entire treatment period, then the patient should look for disposable nail files and new tampons with an alcohol solution. Although, however, disposable nail files and sachets will also be required in the case of Batrafen, if the treatment is long. On the other hand, the drug is highly active, and side effects are rare. Complaints such as a burning sensation of the skin were practically non-existent, at least less than one case per 10000 patients. The medicine is not recommended for use in pregnant and lactating women, as well as in children.

Metanal, formic aldehyde (Demikten), fungicidal varnish … do not buy!

Rating: 4.7

This varnish contains an emulsion or dispersion of polyvinyl acetate, paraform and an agar medium. Strange combination. Upon contact with air, polymerization occurs, a protective film appears on the skin, which allows air to pass through. Methanal, or formic aldehyde, should have an antifungal effect. The varnish is injected with “biologically active metabolites of bacilli, which are present on healthy skin and inhibit the growth of staphylococci and fungi.” Medicinal varnishes do not contain such components, the prescription is very strange.

According to the manufacturer, and the manufacturer is the domestic company Biobeauty, which produces cosmetics and has never released a single drug, since it does not have a license for pharmaceutical activity, this varnish “relieves redness and swelling, dries up wounds, and is successfully used in the treatment of fungal nail infections” . With onychomycosis, Demicten must be “used daily, and even on top of any decorative varnish” – which is strictly prohibited in the treatment of onychomycosis.

As readers have probably already guessed, Demikten is not sold in pharmacies, but is a cosmetic product. It is completely useless to write about its advantages and disadvantages, since it has one big drawback: in the case of onychomycosis, it does not work. It is impossible to combine formic aldehyde with waste products of beneficial microbes, otherwise it will preserve them, as well as formaldehyde. If the concentration is too low for this, then it will not suppress the growth of the fungus. Therefore, this varnish is not worth buying, despite the fact that its price in online stores will be only about 170 rubles.

Here, for 170 rubles, he will treat you with a fungus. Even in his official instructions, he is positioned as a “highly effective cosmetic hygiene product.” It follows from this that it does not have a therapeutic effect. Cosmetics and hygiene is not medicine. So don’t be fooled and visit a specialist dermatologist. The doctor will never prescribe you such a drug.

Tablets from fungi with onychomycosis

It is very important to understand that in no case should local treatment, Exoderil and varnishes with an antifungal effect be replaced with tablets alone. Antifungal drugs taken by mouth will never replace topical treatment. They can only be added to local therapy to enhance the effect. In some cases, only local treatment is sufficient, but sometimes it is necessary to enhance the effect by creating a fungicidal concentration not only in the depths of the nail and in the nail bed, but also in the blood. When should systemic antimycotics or fungicidal preparations in tablets or capsules for oral administration be additionally prescribed?

To add to systemic therapy, that is, the intake of antifungal drugs inside, I must a doctor, given many factors:

  1. the age of the patient – the older the patient, the greater the need to prescribe additional pills;

  2. comorbidities, such as peripheral circulatory disorders or diabetes mellitus. In this case, you also need to help antifungal varnishes with special preparations;

  3. many nails are affected at once, on the hands and feet;

  4. local treatment was ineffective, or the fungal process is prone to recurrence.

The most highly effective systemic drugs that are successfully used for onychomycosis are itraconazole and fluconazole, and we will consider them. A drug that is inappropriate for use in onychomycosis is clotrimazole, since it practically does not work in this case. Do not use ketoconazole and griseofulvin, as they are quite toxic to the liver and kidneys. You should not use old and ineffective remedies just because they are inexpensive (Nystatin, Levorin, and others).

Itraconazole (Orungal, Irunin, Itrazol, Canditral, Orungamine, Orunit, Rumikoz)

Rating: 4.9

The highly effective drug itraconazole is represented, first of all, by the original drug Orungal. 14 tablets of Orungal 100 mg each, produced by the Italian division of Janssen Silag, will cost quite a lot: from 2800 to 3700 rubles. A good, more affordable analogue is the drug Kanditral, the Indian company Glenmark. For the same dosage and in the same amount, you will have to pay from 1000 to 1400 rubles. There are, of course, the cheapest, domestic itraconazoles, but in this case it is better to choose quality and well-known brands.

Orungal is a highly effective drug that has a wide spectrum of action in onychomycosis. It is better to take its capsules immediately with meals, or immediately after meals, and it is better to drink water with a slice of lemon, or kvass, the medicine is better absorbed in an acidic environment. It is necessary to use Orungal and other preparations of itraconazole under the supervision of a physician, since the modern method is presented in the form of pulse therapy: 4 capsules per day, 200 mg in the morning and 200 mg in the evening, for a week.

If the toenails are affected, then this course should be repeated 3 times, with an interval of 3 weeks, and if the nails of the hands are affected, then twice. In this case, for the entire course of pulse therapy, the Patient will need 6 or 4 packs of the drug. And in the event that it costs 3000 rubles, then 18000 rubles will be spent on the entire course of pulse therapy. in case of onychomycosis of the toenails. This is not cheap, but since three-week intervals is still a long period of time, then if possible, use the original drug.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantage of itraconazole will be a high effect, and especially if the patient follows the rules of secondary prevention. The minus of itraconazole is its side effects, namely the effect on the liver. That is why high doses are offered in the form of pulse therapy, but in short courses. And, of course, the high price of the original drug Orungal will be a big minus. But! On the other hand, these 18 thousand rubles will be “smeared out” for a period of 13 weeks, and the cost of the monthly course will be 5500 rubles, or 184 rubles a day.

Fluconazole (Diflucan, Mycosyst)

Rating: 4.8

The original antifungal drug fluconazole is represented on the market by one of the best Pfizer drugs – diflucan. One capsule contains 150 mg of the active ingredient, there are 12 capsules in a package, and this package costs an average of 2300 rubles. You can buy one capsule of Diflucan, then it will cost an average of 400 rubles. Why is such a calculation necessary? Because Diflucan is used according to the scheme of 150 mg (one capsule) once a week, and therefore it is much more profitable to buy a package of 12 capsules of the original drug at once, as a result, the cost of one capsule will be 190 rubles. and you will save 200 rubles. Spend 190 rubles. very little per week.

How does fluconazole work? It inhibits the activity of fungal enzymes that depend on a special system of cytochromes. It stops the conversion of lanosterol to ergosterol, and disrupts the growth of fungal cell membranes. Fluconazole penetrates well into all biological fluids of the body, and it is indicated, except for onychomycosis, for fungal skin lesions, deep mycoses, and even for generalized candidiasis and cryptococcal meningitis in patients with AIDS and in patients after organ transplantation.

How long should I take fluconazole? At least within 3 months if it is a nail lesion on the hands, and maybe even up to a year if it is a nail lesion. In any case, the use of fluconazole should continue until complete clinical recovery and complete recovery of the new nail.

Based on the minimum course of treatment, onychomycosis on the legs is treated for 26 weeks, and on the hands – thirteen weeks. Therefore, it can be calculated that for the entire course of treatment, the patient will need 26 capsules or 13 capsules. Therefore, in the case of onychomycosis of the hands, one package can be completely dispensed with, and then one capsule can be bought in addition.

Advantages and disadvantages

Dignity is a treatment plan. One capsule a week is easy to take, and it’s not expensive at all. Therefore, do not worry that you “wholesale” buy 12 capsules for a large amount. The drug is quite well tolerated, and there may be some rare side effects, such as decreased appetite, headache, skin rash. There are contraindications. This is a simultaneous administration of terfenadine, with caution it is necessary to use this agent in case of liver or kidney failure, in case of combination with hepatotoxic drugs, or in patients with arrhythmia and many risk factors, that is, diseases of the cardiovascular system. It is undesirable to use fluconazole in pregnant and lactating women,

When will all treatment fail?

Above, many ways to effectively combat the fungus were listed. But you can do nothing and watch your nails “eat” the fungus. Because no methods will help you if you do not carry out active prevention along with treatment. It is not enough to eliminate mycosis – you need to make sure that it cannot again get on your skin and nails.

For the active prevention of dermatomycosis and onychomycosis, you need to spend almost more energy than for treatment. So, after you have decided to be treated, you should strictly observe the following rules for the period of treatment:

  1. Have your own towels, bath basin, your own brushes and pumice stone;

  2. Socks should be changed daily, washed and ironed on both sides when wet (or steamed);

  3. The insoles should be washed or replaced after a few days;

  4. The inner surface of the shoes should be treated with ultraviolet dryers;

  5. If they are not there, then you can simply dry your shoes in the sun in the summer, treat the inner surface with an antifungal spray, and put the shoes in the cold for several days in winter;

  6. Try to wear shoes made from natural materials that do not sweat your feet;

  7. At home, have your own slippers – preferably plastic or rubber slippers, open, which can be easily processed;

  8. Go on a visit with your “shift”, and never put on other people’s slippers;

  9. Try to go to different manicure and pedicure salons as little as possible, have your own, proven master, and even better – bring him your personal manicure set (this can protect you not only from fungal infections, but also from more terrible things – viral hepatitis and HIV – infection);

  10. Finally, during the treatment of a fungus, even invisible to others, do not visit swimming pools and gyms – this puts others at risk of infection.

  11. At the same time, remember that you can also become infected in pools, baths and fitness centers, so always have an antifungal spray with you.

Finally, in conclusion, it must be recalled that the fungus is very uncomfortable and unpleasant to be on healthy skin and nails. And healthy skin cannot be in a person with chronic colds, dysbacteriosis, with reduced immunity.

Weaken local immunity diabetes mellitus, thyrotoxicosis, hypothyroidism, alcoholism and drug addiction, obesity, chronic stress. Contribute to the appearance of fungal infections of the nails and skin and pustular lesions, furunculosis and streptoderma.

Therefore, in the event that you suddenly have a fungal infection of the nails and skin, do not forget to not only get rid of annoying “roommates”, but also find out what possible reasons could lead to their occurrence.

Attention! This material is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

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