6 amazing things you’ll learn when kids show up
As a parent, you get a lot of unexpected joys that you never knew existed. Pride when a child reaches heights in any activity, satisfaction if he successfully completes the task assigned to him … But there is another category of things that becomes completely incredible. Such joys will be discussed.
Loneliness. Just one hour!
Even if you are extremely lucky and have a unique talent for managing your time well, everything will change with the arrival of a child. The strictest pedants are often drowning in matters related to the baby. Young mothers seriously forget to eat and even comb their hair. So an hour of silence (for example, while dad walks with the child) is true happiness. You can turn on your favorite movie and just drink tea. Without screams, tears and the need to pull your restless explorer out from under the bed.
In the past, washing was an unpleasant necessity. After the birth of a baby, this is hellish work that never ends, because everything around gets dirty every hour.
I have to iron, clean, wash all the time … One friend of mine once confessed that she took a bath for the last time … before the baby was born! And when she succeeded, she was incredibly happy. No foam or candles. Just lying in warm water for 15-20 minutes is really a thrill.
Preparing only one meal for dinner
You can be proud of yourself if you managed to teach your child to eat what you do. After all, thousands of parents spend several hours every day preparing separate dishes for their fastidious eaters.
It seems that no one ever wants to be bored, but some young moms just dream about it. They don’t have a second of free time. And if suddenly a miracle happens and all things are redone, boredom sets in. And this is just amazing!
Having once experienced hell on an airplane (when a baby starts screaming non-stop for several hours in a row), young parents prefer to fly on vacation over relatively short distances. But when the moment comes that you can fly far, a lump of … joy rises to your throat. After all, how great it is: to sit on the plane for 9 hours, watch a movie, read a book and do nothing else.
After the baby is born, it seems almost unrealistic. After all, if a miracle happened and the child did not make you get up at least a couple of times a night, then at 6 am his “fire alarm” will certainly sound. But there are rare cases when grandparents heroically take the baby for the weekend and manage to get enough sleep.