Self love is important. We cannot love others if we do not love ourselves. We cannot be a source of strength if we ourselves are “stormed”. Psychologist Corinne Dobbas has compiled a list of things we can do for ourselves right now.
1. In your free time, do only what makes you happy and energizes you.
2. In the evenings, write down in your diary what you are grateful for the day you lived.
3. Do something nice for someone else.
4. Forgive someone. Trust me, everyone is doing their best based on what they know and where they are right now.
5. Forgive yourself.
6. Meditate.
7. Practice breathing. The following exercise will help: inhale for 5 seconds, then hold your breath for 5 seconds and exhale for 5 seconds. Repeat 3-5 times.
8. Read a chapter of a good book.
9. Listen to a TED lecture: they are very inspiring.
10. Smile: This act alone makes us happier.
11. Schedule a massage.
12. Finally go to the therapist
13. Take 7-10 full breaths and exhalations
14. Get a manicure.
15. If you feel like screaming or crying, don’t hold back.
16. Be grateful to everyone and always.
17. Compliment someone else.
18. Hug someone.
19. Take a nap and don’t beat yourself up about it.
20. Plan a day when you will do whatever you want. Don’t delay until “the right time.”
21. Call a friend you haven’t talked to in a while.
22. Think about what you like about yourself, about your body. Think about it more often.
23. Get real. Speak what you feel.
24. Don’t take anything personally. People do what they do for different reasons, but they have nothing to do with you.
25. Get a notebook in which you will write down your favorite quotes and aphorisms. Reread them from time to time.
26. Let go of who you were. Grow and change normally and correctly.
27. Be kind to someone who is angry.
28. Try a new set of exercises.
29. Tidy up your desk.
30. Gather things you haven’t worn in a while and donate them to those in need.
31. Cook yourself dinner. Pour a glass of wine, turn on your favorite music. Let yourself relax and enjoy delicious food prepared for you by your loved one.
32. Go hiking. If this is not possible now, go for a walk.
33. Quit what you no longer want to do.
34. Plan a party.
35. Get out to another city – at least for one day.
36. Let go of what happened yesterday.
37. Let go of what might happen tomorrow. Focus on your “now”.
38. Say “no” without explanation. The people who are destined to stay in your life will understand
39. Write a letter to someone you love.
40. Write a letter to yourself in the future, tell about all the good things that are happening to you now.
41. Forgive your parents.
42. Listen to what and how you tell yourself. Do you allow yourself such words and tone with others?
43. Use failure to grow, not to drown in it.
44. Get rid of the wrong size clothes. Stop waiting to lose weight, live now.
45. Understand that happiness is a product of inner work. Thin, rich, beautiful – they can all be unhappy. The feeling of happiness does not depend on external factors.
46. Buy your favorite flowers.
47. Watch your favorite TV series.
48. Try something new – go to a cooking class, take a drawing class. Stepping out of your comfort zone will make you feel bolder and more confident.
49. Buy yourself a nice outfit.
50. Allow yourself to experience emotions, do not hide them.
51. Sympathize. The most you can do for another is to say, “I’m with you.” Don’t judge, don’t lecture. Everyone wants to be heard and understood.
52. Believe me: you are more beautiful than you think.
53. Stop counting calories, just eat mindfully.
54. Take a vacation. And let there be no e-mail or social networks in it.
55. Stop comparing yourself to others.
56. Dance – alone or with a partner – to whatever music you like.
57. Accept the fact that you will have good days, bad days, busy days, and not so good days.
58. Believe that you are unique, you have something that others do not. Your task is to find it and present it to the world.
59. Remember: we need relationships in order to grow and develop. People come and go from our lives, not all friendships and love relationships last long. Usually, when development ends, so does the relationship. The main thing is to learn the necessary lesson.
About the Developer
Corinne Dobbas – psychologist, coach Her