5 zodiac signs that the stars promise pregnancy in 2021

5 zodiac signs that the stars promise pregnancy in 2021

Check if you are on this list. For some, the news of pregnancy will come as a surprise.

Perhaps nothing changes life like pregnancy and childbirth. And in 2021, according to the horoscope, these global changes will occur in the five signs of the zodiac.


Taurus women have a strong character. And if you have already set a goal, you will definitely achieve it. This also applies to the birth of a baby. True, this year it is possible that the news of pregnancy will come as a surprise to them, but future mothers will only be happy.

Taurus women are affectionate and loving mothers who will do everything to protect and keep their child safe. Representatives of this sign believe that their baby deserves only the best: the best clothes, toys, children’s room. And one of the most valuable lessons a Taurus mom will teach her child is to be independent. True, Taurus women are very stubborn, which can subsequently lead to family conflicts.  

Ideal time for a Taurus to get pregnant: March 25 – April 15, July 25 – August 15, November 25 – December 15. As a parent, this earth sign will get along best with representatives of its element: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn.


The desire to become a mother for Cancers this year will be especially strong. And all the planets promise a successful conception. Saturn and Jupiter promise good luck and an important event, Neptune sends out all its waves, contributing to fertility, and Uranus has prepared a joyful surprise that will change your habits. The probability of conception will be especially high in the first half of the year.

The Cancer woman was born to become a mother. She has dreamed about it since childhood. Representatives of the sign are very loving mothers, so her child will not suffer from a lack of affection and hugs. However, Cancers are overly emotional and often suffer from mood swings, so it is not always easy for loved ones with them.

Ideal time to conceive: March 25 – April 15, July 25 – August 15, November 25 – December 15. And the best parental relationships for Cancers will develop with Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn.


For most of the representatives of this sign, pregnancy will become unplanned. However, two stripes on the test will only delight women-Leo.

Lionesses consider children to be their best creation. They take pride in every achievement a toddler makes and proudly brag about that achievement to others. They are their child’s best friends because they know how to build trust. However, Leos are quite domineering, so this sign will not tolerate whims.  

Best Pregnancy Time for Leo: February 25 – March 15, June 25 – July 15, October 25 – November 15. As a parent, Leo will get along perfectly with Aries, Leo and Sagittarius.


For Scorpios, 2021 is a year of love. There will be so much love that you will want to share it not only with your partner. In 2021, Scorpio women will have a heightened desire to become a mother. Many girls are scared and difficult to decide on a child, but brave Scorpios easily accept this challenge.  

Representatives of the sign are responsible for the upbringing of the child and for his future. Many already at the stage of pregnancy are looking for a kindergarten and school for their child. Children will find great support in their Scorpio mom. Scorpios always care about the safety of the child, which often turns into overprotectiveness. In addition, the representatives of this sign are too strict. But on the other hand, there will definitely not be problems with discipline in the family.

The best time to conceive a child: February 25 – March 15, June 25 – July 15, October 25 – November 15. Scorpios will have a particularly harmonious relationship with Aries, Leo or Sagittarius.


For Pisces, it’s time for fertility – autumn 2021. And although many of them have long dreamed of having children, for some Pisces the news of pregnancy will be a pleasant surprise.

Pisces women very often make wonderful mothers. Representatives of this sign give all their love to their child, which will help him grow up as a self-confident person. Pisces are very creative, so the child’s childhood will be spent in creativity and activities that develop the imagination. However, Pisces is very spontaneous, organization is not their strong point, so discipline in the house will be lame.

Ideal time to conceive: January 25 – February 15, May 25 – June 15, September 25 – October 15. Pisces will get along best with representatives of their sign, as well as with children of Cancer and Scorpio.

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