5 Ways To Quickly Remove Wool From Your Sofa

If you have a pet at home, this problem is probably one of the most pressing for you.

One has only to get a cat or a dog, as life begins to play with new colors. The Instagram feed is full of pictures with a funny shaggy face and other mi-mi, the owner discovers a brave new world of different feeds, vaccinations, visits to the veterinarian, scratching posts and chewed toys become part of the interior. As well as a sofa overgrown with wool suddenly. Yes, furniture reacts very sharply to the presence of a little animal in the house, because often the pets are sure that the sofa or bed was bought for them. Hence the question: how to get rid of the fur on the upholstery quickly and efficiently?

Rubber glove

Believe it or not, this is really one of the most effective ways. You can clean the fabric with a dry glove, but it is better to slightly moisten the rubber palm with water. Wool sticks to the glove very quickly, so it needs to be rinsed every now and then. Not to say that the procedure does not take at all time and effort, but if it is carried out at least once every three days, then the sofa quickly returns to its original form.

A method that makes cleaning a little more expensive and more effective is to spray the glove with hairspray.

Sticky roller

Convenient, but quite costly: to clean the entire sofa from the fur of a single cat, a good half of the roller will take. But in the case when you need to cope with the problem especially quickly, this method is quite suitable. The main thing is to remember the golden rule of cleaning: we start cleaning from the top, gradually moving down.

You can, by the way, make a budget version of the video with your own hands: wrap scotch tape on an empty plastic bottle. Or just unwind the tape a little and clean it straight with the tape.


Spray a stiff brush with antistatic agent and brush it over the entire surface of the sofa. Thanks to the antistatic agent, the wool will begin to peel off the upholstery and can be cleaned with a vacuum cleaner. By the way, this treatment will help the sofa stay a little cleaner than it was: the antistatic agent will not allow the hairs to stick to the surface. But, if the upholstery is not very smooth, the hairs will still get stuck in the texture of the fabric.

Silicone sponge

What progress has come! Yes, there are special rubber or silicone sponges in stores that will help you clean your sofa quickly and without any problems. You just need to slightly moisten the sponge, like a glove. It is important to remember that the movements must be made in one direction, otherwise the wool will only get more tangled in the upholstery.


If there is a cover on the couch and can be removed, then you’re in luck. A regular wash will not save wool, but there are a couple of tricks that will help you cope with the problem. First, the cover must be thoroughly shaken out on the balcony. It is even better to knock it out in order to get rid of everything that is not too firmly stuck to the maximum. Then wash the cover in a typewriter, putting an ordinary plastic bag with it in the drum: due to the generated static electricity, all the hairs will stick to the plastic. Add an anti-static conditioner while rinsing, and your sofa is as good as new.

What else will save the sofa

  • regular combing and grooming of pets;

  • antistatic surface treatment;

  • smart gadgets: a robot vacuum cleaner, a floor cleaner, a washer or even an ordinary air humidifier will help solve the problem not only with wool, but also with dust;

  • a banal blanket.

It will not help

Do not try to clean the sofa with clay, for example. It is, of course, sticky, but the only thing you will achieve is greasy stains on the upholstery. A vacuum cleaner is also useless in the fight against wool, unless you are the owner of a super powerful model with a turbo brush.

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