If your neighbor “grass is always greener”, remember: the water bill for watering this grass is also always higher for him. What else will help you focus less on the successes and achievements of others and appreciate your own merits more?
Do you have to deal with your own envy from time to time? Strangle her? Keep in a cage? This is normal: almost all of us, no, no, and even begin to envy others, especially now, when thanks to social networks, “windows” into other people’s lives are open for our eyes around the clock. Comparisons are hard to resist.
Still, be careful. Envy is a trap in which we turn into victims, we begin to focus on what we do not have, instead of enjoying what we already have. It poisons consciousness and destroys life in general. That is why it is so important to recognize when envy is trying to attack us. But how to fix this situation?
1. Recognize the envy within you
Few of us have never experienced the stab of envy. Especially when comparison with others was not in our favor. So the next time you feel that familiar sting, just welcome your envy. Do not drive the feeling away – this will only make it attack you with renewed vigor.
2. Don’t chase the crowd
The problem with envy is that we often start running after the crowd, pursuing goals that are alien to us. It’s time to stop and think: where are you, in fact, rushing like that? Do you really need to go there? And what will you do when you reach your destination, and especially when you get there first?
We can only compare ourselves with ourselves – a hackneyed truth, but no less true for that. So get out of someone else’s Instagram account as soon as possible and ask yourself: have I become better myself than a week ago? Month year? Did I learn something, did I create something, did it please someone?
By answering at least one of these questions in the affirmative, you will feel uplifted, which in turn will have a positive effect on your mental state.
3. Let go of what is holding you down
Try to identify what it is that makes you jealous of others. What do they have that you don’t? We all have bad days, and yet try to figure out what consistently spoils your mood, angers or demotivates you. If, for example, this is information from social networks, it may be worth restricting access to it.
It is not necessary to abruptly cut off all contact with people you envy, this can provoke even more stress, just try to add something to your life that brings joy. Start right now!
4. Focus on all the good things you have
Much has been said about the mental health benefits of gratitude practice, precisely because it is a truly effective tool. Constantly focusing on the successes and achievements of others, it is easy to lose sight of the good things that happen to you every day. And such thinking is fertile ground for the emergence of envy.
So make an effort and every day write down at least three things for which you are grateful. Do not forget to indicate why they are so valuable to you – this is important. Otherwise, there is a great risk of giving automatic answers.
5. Do what makes your heart sing
It’s not about Destiny with a capital letter. Moreover: there is a serious danger in his search – and what if you never find the Same Case? Disappointment and frustration cannot be avoided. No, it’s about something else: do what you really like, relaxes you, captivates, amuses. That from which the heartbeat quickens, and time flies at an unimaginable speed.
The problem with envy is that it is like an infectious disease: if it is not diagnosed in time, the consequences can be very serious. So your task is to keep your finger on the pulse and respond to every prick of this feeling with something pleasant.