5 ways to get inspired

Inspiration is a state of inner uplift, a surge of energy and strength that helps to start something new or continue what has already been started. If you feel inspired, new ideas come much easier. If it leaves you halfway, it is important to keep it. Here are a few ways to help.

1. Find your “places of power” and stay in them

Each of us has favorite places: a cozy cafe conducive to reflection, a quiet park in which we often walked in childhood – when we find ourselves in it again, a wave of warm memories envelops us.

Make a list of such places. Where, in what environment do you experience the rise? Under what circumstances does the feeling of “I want” and trembling in the chest occur? Or vice versa: in what place do you completely relax and feel free?

2. Choose your element and surround yourself with it

What do you like more: water, fire, sand? Or maybe fragrances? Someone likes to write poetry to the sound of the surf. Some people like to look at the fire in the fireplace and come up with new business strategies. And for some, it is enough to light a scented candle for new ideas to appear.

Which element is yours? Which one will inspire you?

3. Load the senses

All five senses – sight, hearing, smell, taste, touch – are guides to our emotions. Have you noticed that after a trip there is a surge of strength, and efficiency increases? This happens because on vacation we admire the landscapes and architecture of new places, try new dishes, inhale unusual aromas. In a new environment, our sensations are sharpened and cause vivid emotions, which give rise to inspiration.

Many of us are visuals, which means that we perceive the world mainly in visual images. The more often you look at what you like, the faster inspiration will come.

4. Read What Motivates You

This is both fiction and non-fiction. Other people’s thoughts, if they are interesting and evoke emotions in you, can inspire and help you come up with new outstanding ideas.

5. Get enough sleep

We cannot do without air, we are almost incapable of doing without water, we can go a little longer without sleep. Only when we are properly rested and feel invigorated, inspiration visits us, and efficiency is at its maximum. A clear mind gives birth to clear thoughts and new ideas. Checked by Mendeleev.

About the Developer

Ekaterina Schasnaya — Psychologist, author and host of self-sufficiency programs. Read more on her Online.

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