5 ways to deal with doubt

Everyone doubts their abilities from time to time. However, sometimes doubts paralyze, preventing us from living and developing normally. Business coach Sonia Thompson shares five simple yet powerful strategies to help you overcome your insecurities and take action.

Imposter syndrome is more common among educated people. Doubts affect not only the professional sphere, but also personal life. We say: “if I go to Chinese courses, the children will be bored in the evenings”, “I won’t succeed, it’s not even worth trying”, “if I refuse him, he may be offended” … As a result, a foreign language is not learned, business is not started, toxic people poison life.

You can’t always be 100% sure of yourself, but you can learn to deal with doubts when needed.

1. Plan your activities

Deadline is the best motivator. What seemed difficult yesterday is done easily and quickly, because tomorrow is the deadline. When deadlines are far away or blurry, it’s okay to sit back and wonder if you’re good enough for the job. When time is running out, doubt simply has no chance.

Make plans so that there is no time to think. Even if you don’t have urgent work, finish the task or part of the project before the deadline. This will save you from having to work at night or on weekends if your boss gives you an urgent task.

If you are afraid that fake deadlines will not motivate you, agree with colleagues about mutual motivation. At regular meetings, make promises to each other to complete the work by a certain date and report on the results.

2. Get yourself moving

According to Newton’s first law, a body at rest remains at rest until a force acts on it. To overcome doubt, start moving, to create momentum, take one step.

Imagine the worst scenario, let the anxiety culminate in order to turn it into motivation.

Do you want to write a book? Sit down at your desk, turn on your computer, create a word document and write 50 words. It will take a few minutes, but you will feel the internal resistance weaken, giving way to the desire to write.

3. Visualize failure

Psychologist Julie Norem has found that one of the best motivators to perform effectively is to think about the worst-case scenario. Imagine the worst possible scenario, let the anxiety culminate, then turn it into motivation. When you are ready for the worst, you will act in a way that will avoid failure.

4. Don’t let your inner critic fool you.

Sometimes we get so caught up in negative self-talk that we start believing everything we’ve told ourselves.

Best-selling author of successful marketing and business communication skills, speaker Seth Godin suggests having internal conversations in the right and positive way. He opposes the utterance of meaningless affirmations and stupid appeals to the universe. Speak only what you know to be true.

If you don’t know what good things to say about yourself as an employee, ask colleagues for help. Write down what they have to say, and every time you feel a doubt coming up, take a look at the file that lists your strengths.

5. Change the direction of your thoughts

When in doubt, think about the people who need you to do the work that you put off because of your indecision. Imagine how much better they will be when you do what you have to. Then ask yourself how long waiting for your job will affect them. As soon as you release the energy outward and direct it to thoughts about others, insecurity will recede.

About the author: Sonya Thompson is a business coach and author of The Joy Within.

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