5 warning signs you shouldn’t ignore

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Everyone dreams of good health. But, unfortunately, in the modern rhythm of life, it is easy not to notice a deterioration in well-being and start the disease. And how, without the help of a doctor, to distinguish simple fatigue from the symptoms of a serious pathology?

Chief physician of the health resort “Baltic Coast” Nelly Voloshina told what health problems can be hidden behind simple ailments.

What could be behind this?

  • Diseases of the circulatory system.
  • Reduced immunity.
  • Diseases of the digestive system (ulcers).
  • Diseases of the genitourinary system.
  • Oncology.

Fatigue is the most common ailment among the active population. It is believed that hard work and stress always lead to increased fatigue, which is why it is almost never perceived as a symptom of the disease. However, fatigue is not the norm, and if you do not feel vigorous during the working day, do not rush to solve this problem with liters of coffee: perhaps the reason for this condition is much deeper than it seems.

What could be behind this?

  • Diseases of the nervous system.
  • Endocrine diseases.

How many times have you lay awake at night, doomedly awaiting the alarm? If this is a systematic problem for you, be sure to consider visiting a doctor. Sleep is a mandatory rest for the body, which in no case should be neglected.

What could be behind this?

  • Endocrine diseases (diseases of the thyroid and pancreas).
  • Digestive system diseases.
  • Oncology.

Food, like sleep, is an essential source of energy for the body. In working mode, it is easy to forget about regular meals and not notice the growing feeling of hunger – this happens to everyone. It’s another matter if appetite does not appear throughout the day. Try not to run into this problem and see your doctor as early as possible.

What could be behind this?

  • Diseases of the nervous system.
  • Disruptions in the immune system.

In the life of every person there is a place for experiences. Unfortunately, in modern society this is inevitable. Daily travel in crowded public transport, disputes with work colleagues and personal problems accumulate in one big lump and do not allow you to relax and enjoy life. Anxiety is not always a psychological problem. Sometimes deep experiences are reinforced by a physiological disorder, and then it is necessary to cope with the anxiety state with the help of special treatment and medication.

What could be behind this?

  • Diseases of the nervous system.

Apathy is a natural continuation of an anxious state. When, day after day, a person is exposed to heavy psychoemotional stress, at a certain moment forces leave the body, and absolute indifference and detachment replace feelings. Apathy has nothing to do with laziness and is a serious reason to think about your health.

All of the above disorders can result from various diseases. To determine the causes of poor health, you must consult a doctor and undergo a full examination. If you do not like polyclinics, diagnostics can be ordered at the sanatorium. In the “Baltic Coast” operates special programsa, including medical examinations, laboratory and functional diagnostics. The result of such a program is the determination of the diagnosis and the preparation of recommendations for further treatment.

Contraindications are possible, consult a specialist.

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