5 warning signs of testosterone problems in men

5 warning signs of testosterone problems in men

Masculinity, strength and core, which the fair sex often expect from their companion, directly depend on the level of the main male hormone.

5 warning signs of testosterone problems in men

The deviation of the hormone from the norm affects not only the behavior of men. Testosterone plays an important role during the maturation of a teenage boy – it provokes voice changes, hair growth on some parts of the body and other secondary sexual characteristics. And in adult men, testosterone “reverberates” when they want to become a father – after all, this hormone affects the quality of the seed.

So, here are 5 telltale signs that something is wrong with your testosterone levels.

1. Hair loss

Numerous polls prove that baldness is one of the main beauty fears of men. And it’s not just about genetics, which really can’t be avoided. Any deviation from the norm – an increase or decrease in the level of the hormone – leads to an upsetting consequence. Of course, hair does not fall out immediately, which is why there is an opportunity to notice something amiss and make an appointment with a doctor in time. First, the hair becomes thinner, the hair follicles weaken, and dark spots on the scalp are also possible. They give out not only age-related changes, but also the initial stage of alopecia (baldness).

2. Difficulty maintaining an erection

This symptom is unlikely to escape the attention of a woman. If it is not about one-time misfires associated with fatigue, stress and lack of arousal, but repeated episodes of “falling schedule”, then this is a serious reason to go to the doctor and get tested. The lethargy of the penis is due to chemical reactions in which testosterone takes a lively part.

3. Problems with sleep

By the mere impossibility of getting a good night’s sleep, one can judge about a large number of diseases, and it is unlikely that suspicions will immediately fall on problems with testosterone. But such a clear symptom as sleep apnea – holding the breath in a dream – already clearly shows the true picture of what is happening. Many women notice that their men are snoring, holding their breath sharply for almost a minute, and then gasping for air loudly, as if gasping for breath. Often this symptom is explained by problems of the respiratory system, but it will not be superfluous to pass tests.

4. Mood swings

It’s no secret that there should be just as much testosterone in the body as provided by the norm. Many have heard that if there is an excess of this hormone in a woman’s body, then her character and appearance begin to take on masculine features, and a decrease in the hormone in men gives them tearfulness, irritability, and mood swings. If a woman observes that her partner is showing excessive sensitivity, which was not noticed before, this is a serious reason to make an appointment with a doctor. If everything is in order with hormones, you should not rejoice – constant depression and bad mood may indicate the initial stage of some mental disorders – for example, depression. But if your man has never cried, and then suddenly ceased to be ashamed of tears – perhaps he just developed empathy and compassion in himself, which, of course, does not harm either health or masculinity.

5. Decreased bone mass

With a decrease in testosterone, a decrease in bone and muscle mass is often observed. If the age is still far from retirement, and it is not possible to build up muscles, and the bones, in addition, become fragile, this is also a reason to check the level of concentration of the “masculinity hormone” in the blood.

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