5 types of financial problems caused by psychological reasons

When we do not know how to pay bills and feed our families, we just want to cover ourselves with a blanket and not get out of bed. At night, we cannot sleep, painfully wondering where to get the necessary funds. How does our emotional state affect our financial situation?

Emotional and psychological problems affect all areas of our lives, and finances are no exception. “Internal trouble distorts our “financial outlook” and approach to spending. If we constantly subconsciously deceive ourselves in everything, then we begin to deceive ourselves in financial matters. In this state, it is almost impossible to psychologically tune in to earning effectively,” explains psychotherapist and coach Audrey Sherman.

We all need money to keep ourselves alive. Everyone needs them, there is nothing “dirty” or shameful in them. However, in society there are many common ideas and stereotypes about money, leading to constant disputes and disagreements.

Relationships very often fall apart due to conflicts related to finances and expenses. Failure to speak honestly and openly on this subject can easily bring a family to ruin.

“Review your beliefs and beliefs about money. Try to understand where they come from. Are you afraid of money? Are you ashamed to admit that you love them? Do you feel like a miser when you have to refuse children asking for an expensive gift? It all adds up to your “financial mindset,” recommends Audrey Sherman.

How is financial distress related to unresolved emotional issues?

1. You spend too much or use shopping as a kind of “psychotherapy”. Excessive spending is often caused by the need to calm internal anxiety, relieve tension, or dispel boredom. You think that when you feel bad, you have the right to “spoil yourself.”

2.You live beyond your means, trying to impress others – neighbors, colleagues, acquaintances. Most likely, in this way you compensate for the inner feeling of insecurity and lack of self-love.

3. You constantly indulge your loved ones.who do not try to earn money themselves, ask you for money, put pressure on your guilt, causing self-pity.

4. You are sure that you do not know how to handle money. This is a false belief, a cognitive distortion. Everyone is able to learn how to manage their funds wisely. You probably just lack confidence in yourself and your ability to make the right financial decisions. Or maybe you do not want to take on the solution of “difficult” issues and leave them to their fate, hoping that everything will work out “somehow by itself.”

5. The topic of money is taboo for you. You never discuss them with anyone. You are hesitant to ask for the right advice from knowledgeable people and withhold important information from your spouse or partner.

To learn how to manage your funds, it is important to thoroughly understand your financial situation and be aware of your overall life plan. What are you dreaming about? Early retirement? Travel a lot? To buy a house? Save money for the education of children?

“If you realize that your financial trouble is associated with deep psychological problems, know that this can be corrected. You can learn how to manage money without fear. You will be able, although it will be difficult, to protect personal boundaries, preventing others from wasting your money. You will learn how to deal with anxiety and stress in healthy ways without getting into debt and credit. Having gained a sense of confidence and security, you will no longer feel the need to “catch up and overtake” neighbors and colleagues,” says Audrey Sherman.

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