5 tips to take care of your joints

Fingers, wrists, elbows, knees, hips… Our joints are stressed on a daily basis. With time and the repetition of certain movements, they can become painful. It is the sign of pathologies such as osteoarthritis, arthritis or rheumatism. Discover our advice to preserve your joints.
Practice regular physical activity
Contrary to what one might think, the absence of physical activity is harmful to the joints. It may seem paradoxical, but moving helps maintain joints and protect cartilage. Working on your joints also helps eliminate toxins and maintain muscle tone. To prevent the onset of osteoarthritis and preserve cartilage, it is recommended to exercise regularly. Walking and swimming are the two best sports for gently stimulating your joints without overworking them. On the other hand, sports that have too much of an impact on the joints should be avoided at all costs. This is the case for running, football, tennis, combat sports, climbing or even rugby.
Limit weight gain
Being overweight and obese increases the risk of suffering from joint disease fourfold. You should know that the weight weighs on the joints by exerting constant pressure on them. It is therefore essential to limit weight gain by opting for a healthy diet and practicing regular physical activity. Industrial, refined products and alcohol consumption should absolutely be avoided. At the same time, it is essential to drink at least 4l of water per day so that the joints retain their flexibility.
Take care of your posture
An unsuitable posture leads to a poor distribution of the load exerted on the joints, which damages them and promotes the onset of osteoarthritis. In other words, it is essential to stand up straight, whether you are standing or sitting, to protect your joints and avoid over-straining them.
Avoid repetitive movements
Remaining seated or standing for too long, performing the same gesture several times in a row… Repetitive movements cause microtraumas in the joints. It is recommended to divide its activity by taking breaks regularly to prevent joint discomfort.
Don’t wear heels too often
High heels unbalance the body forwards, which has the effect of exerting stress on all the joints. Wearing heels must therefore be measured and reasonable. You should avoid wearing them every day or at least always having a pair of flats with you.