Vaccines are part of a baby’s essential medical care because they help the baby immunize and defend against highly contagious diseases and sometimes serious such as diphtheria, tetanus, polio or rubella. Because they are sick, a baby may also need a blood test for tests.
Unfortunately, blood tests and vaccinations are often dreaded by babies, who have fear of the bite and complain about the pain of these medical procedures.
If it is not taken into account, avoided or at least mitigated, the baby’s pain during an injection can lead to fear of the medical profession in general, or at least needles. Here are some proven approaches to reduce baby’s pain and apprehension vis-à-vis the bite. Do not hesitate to try several until you find the one that suits him best.
According to a scientific study published in October 2018 in the journal “Pain Reports”, these different techniques have significantly reduced the baby’s pain. The proportion of families who felt the pain was “well controlled”Thus went from 59,6% to 72,1%.
Breastfeed the baby during the injection, or hold the baby close to you
If you are breastfeeding your child, breastfeeding just before the bite can be soothing, as can skin-to-skin, which is a great alternative to breastfeeding for dad in these circumstances.
It is advisable to start breastfeeding before the injection, in order to allow time to hold the baby well. Take care to undress the area to be stung before positioning yourself.
“Breastfeeding combines holding in the arms, sweetness and sucking, it is one of the best ways to reduce pain in babies”, Details the Canadian Pediatric Society, in a leaflet on the pain of vaccines for parents. To prolong the soothing effect, it is advisable to continue breastfeeding for a few minutes after the bite.
If we don’t breastfeed baby, keep it snuggled up against you can reassure him before an injection, which will decrease his feeling of pain. Swaddling can also be an option to reassure a newborn baby before an injection.
Divert the baby’s attention during the vaccine
It is well known that if you focus on your pain and expect to be in pain, it is in pain. This is also why the attention diversion techniques such as hypnosis are increasingly used in hospitals.
While holding baby against you, try to divert attention from the bite, for example using a toy such as a rattle or a telephone, soap bubbles, an animated book … It’s up to you to find what fascinates him the most! You can also him sing a calming tune, and rock it when the bite is finished.
Obviously, it’s a safe bet that the technique you used to distract him no longer works on the next bite. It’s up to you to compete in your imagination to find another source of distraction.
Stay calm so as not to communicate your stress
Who says stressed parent, often says stressed baby. Your child can sense your worry and nervousness. Also, to help him overcome his fear of stings and his pain, parents are advised to remain as calm as possible, with a positive attitude throughout the procedure.
If fear takes hold of you, feel free to take deep breaths, inhaling through your nose while inflating your stomach, and exhaling through your mouth.
Give it a sweet solution
When administered in a pipette that requires suction, sugar water can help reduce the baby’s perception of pain during a prick.
To make it, nothing could be simpler: mix a teaspoon of sugar with two teaspoons of distilled water. It is of course possible to use bottled water or tap water for a baby six months and older.
In the absence of a pipette, we can also soaking baby’s pacifier in a sweet solution so that he can enjoy this sweet taste during the injection.
Apply a local anesthetic cream
If your baby is particularly sensitive to pain, and a shot of the vaccine or blood test always ends in big tears, do not hesitate to ask your doctor to tell you about numbing cream.
Applied locally, this type of cream puts the skin to sleep at the site of the bite. We are talking about topical anesthesia. Usually based on lidocaine and prilocaine, these skin numbing creams are available by prescription only.
The idea is to apply the numbing cream one hour before the bite, on the indicated area, in a thick layer, all covered with a special dressing. There is also patch formulations containing the cream.
Baby’s skin may appear whiter, or on the contrary redder, after application: this is a normal reaction. Rare, however, an allergic reaction can occur, do not hesitate to talk to the doctor if you notice a skin reaction.
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