5 tips to help a child gain self-confidence

The playgrounds are full of children who lack self-confidence. Some, more sensitive, will need constant and solid support from those around them to learn to value themselves. Here are some keys to putting your child on the path to confidence.
It is because he trusts his parents that a child will trust him
To grow, a child needs love, listening and attention. All parents know this and want to give the best to their child. These marks of affection are not only intended to increase their child’s affectivity, but also to give them self-confidence..
A child who hears that he is loved by his parents, who hears that the latter congratulate him, highlight his strengths and qualities, will more easily learn self-confidence. So don’t hesitate to highlight your child’s successes, while encouraging him to continue in what he knows how to do good: he will only emerge richer in esteem.
Empower your child
Within a strictly defined framework, empowering your child by making him autonomous in certain aspects, can also strengthen your child’s self-confidence. For the little ones, it can be simple tasks like putting away their shoes, getting their pajamas themselves and putting their blanket in their bed.
The more your child grows, the more serious these tasks can become. The practical case of the bakery is very suitable. With you, he can first politely ask the baker for a baguette and then gradually enter the bakery on his own to buy bread. Each step taken will translate into another brick on the wall of confidence.
Remind him that we love him, whatever he does
Some children may be overwhelmed by the idea that their parents can stop loving them at any time. This fear is painful and strongly affects a child’s self-confidence..
To help him overcome it, do not hesitate to tell him, when the situation is right, that you are his parents and that you will love him in all circumstanceswhether he succeeds in his exercises or not, whether he has good grades or worse. And since children need to hear things several times to assimilate them, do not hesitate to repeat it to them over and over again.
Make him practice a rewarding activity
Sport is a wonderful asset for children’s confidence. Surrounded by other children, they can measure their skills and see themselves progressing. It is also the perfect place to congratulate your child!
Choose well the sport activity that your offspring will practice. Team sports are not for everyone, especially for children, while martial arts are known to boost children’s self-esteem..
Do not show your doubts
Your formulations of sentences are very important in the permanent construction of the confidence of your children.. Do not hesitate to transform them to make your remarks rewarding. Orient them, when possible, in a positive way, rather than saying ” it’s not good, don’t do it anymore “, Choose a” maybe you would have done better to do like this ».
Likewise, try to remove doubt from your language. When your child is learning to ride a bike, do not show him your fear. and when he falls, encourage him to get back into the saddle, as if there was no other option. Your child sees your determination and makes it their own.
Read also: 10 things to know about positive education