5 tips to avoid catching a cold

If you are asked what is the most common illness in winter, you are likely to answer “the common cold”. Even if it is benign, it brings its share of inconveniences: weeping eyes, runny or on the contrary blocked nose, sneezing, fatigue and sometimes even fever. By taking certain precautions, you will probably be able to avoid this particularly contagious infection.
Protect yourself !
A cold caught by saliva and nasal secretions. It is therefore advisable not to kiss or get too close to someone with a runny nose. When you are in a waiting room, prevent your child from touching or putting toys in their mouths that may have been contaminated.
This virus can also be caught through the airways. Therefore, when a sick person sneezes, they can infect you. So avoid any promiscuity and, if you are fragile, wear a mask in sensitive places, such as public transport for example.