
Let’s be realistic: in order to change the financial situation for the better, you need to work hard, build relationships with people correctly and control your life. How to do it?

Most people dream of having their lives magically changed for the better. In fantasies, they win the lottery, receive an inheritance from an unknown relative, or get a sudden promotion. Psychologist Benjamin Hardy is sure that it is better not to dream, but to take fate into your own hands and start acting.

1. Invest 10% of your income and 80% of your free time in yourself

You are sure that you have received a good education and know everything that is needed in your field. But you can never stop there. Develop, learn, learn new things. Without improving your personal and professional skills, you will not be able to succeed. Education costs money, but it will definitely pay off. Sign up for courses, listen to lectures and webinars, read books, learn foreign languages.

Usually, we justify our unwillingness to do all this by the lack of free time. But after all, it is quite enough for watching TV shows, social networking and other entertainment that will not help in making money. If you want to achieve something, you have to prioritize differently.

2. Work not for money, but for experience

Who among us did not want to receive a high salary immediately after graduation? But that only happens in movies. Sometimes you have to settle for not the most monetary position, but in a large company. When choosing a job, think first of all about experience and prospects, and not about money.

At work, do not limit yourself to your own responsibilities. The attitude “I only do what I get paid to do” will not lead to success. Get creative, come up with bold ideas, even if you don’t need them, think about how to improve the work of the department. Improving professional skills, you open up many opportunities.

3. Collaborate, don’t compete

Most of us are used to dealing with everything on our own. We don’t like to ask for help. Sometimes we are driven by vanity—the desire to single-handedly receive praise for a job well done—and sometimes we just don’t feel comfortable bothering others.

But the truth is that everyone needs help and professional advice from time to time. And this is not evidence of weakness or incompetence. On the contrary, asking for help helps build relationships with the right people. Relationships are assets that will pay dividends over time.

People enjoy being asked for advice. This allows them to feel their importance. When you receive support, be sure to thank the person who helped you. Say that without him you would not have succeeded.

Collaboration is better than competition. Together with someone you can create something more grandiose than alone

At the same time, do not focus solely on your own benefit. Do not refuse to help others and inspire those around you to grow and develop.

Collaboration is better than competition. Together with someone you can create something more grandiose than acting alone. Successful people constantly expand their network of contacts and provide gratuitous services to acquaintances.

In addition, this approach to life brings more satisfaction and happiness: it helps to look at the world differently and communicate closer and warmer with people.

4. Be true to your beliefs

It’s normal to be afraid of failure. But fear is not a reason to abandon your goals or change them. The one who first lights up with an idea or project, and then abandons it at the first difficulties, will not achieve anything.

Nobody says it will be easy. But try not to give up.

Many people believe that realistic goals should be set. It seems to me that it is more correct to multiply what you can achieve by 10 and strive for it. The more ambitious the goal, the more actively you will work to achieve it.

5. Spend wisely

Rich is not the one who earns a lot, but the one who spends rationally. Saving is a good habit and the foundation of future well-being. If you got a pay raise or a bonus, don’t immediately waste your «extra money» on parties, expensive things and pleasant but optional entertainment. Think about how and where to invest income so that it brings dividends.

And yes, it’s time to start creating a financial airbag. Life is full of surprises, and not always pleasant ones.

To plan a personal budget, you can use Maslow’s pyramid of needs. The base of the pyramid is physiological needs. From a financial point of view, these are daily expenses: food, basic clothing, transport, communications. The next step is the need for security: rent, insurance, medicines, education — everything that provides a sense of security and confidence in the future.

Next — social needs: going to the cinema, restaurants, meeting with friends. Then status needs are the money that we spend on maintaining our image: jewelry, costumes, expensive restaurants, membership in a closed club. Finally, spiritual needs crown the pyramid: hobbies, travel and other hobbies.

The priority of spending should be distributed from the lowest needs to the highest. In other words, don’t buy a luxury car if you can’t pay for health insurance or foreign language courses.

And in conclusion — advice off the list. Formulate your definitions of the concepts of «wealth» and «success». Of course, money as such is very important, but many millionaires do not feel happy because they have not succeeded in other areas of life. Always remember that money is only a tool for the realization of desires.

About the Author: Benjamin Hardy is a psychologist and specialist in personal effectiveness.

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